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tacoskins t1_jdy3eiz wrote

Dude, yeah I have so many fond memories of this flick. I probably rented it about a hundred times between 90-95 and I wanted to own it so bad but we could never find a copy. I think when Amazon first started selling movies I left a review for this one complaining that it was out of print lmao.

I own like 4 copies of the tape now and the bluray and a bunch of cool promo shit I've collected over the years. It is bad but it really is charming and wholesome even if it's a bit unhinged and dated these days.

Idk, it really makes me happy anytime I see it brought up because it's truly a relic of a time and kind of movie that doesn't really get made these days. For all the talk of it being a commercial (which it is) its also a sort of heavy for a kids movie story with good actors and alot of drama that isn't played for's a weird ass movie but I love it.