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SuperNntendoChlmers t1_jddq3sx wrote

Hunt is fearless and wont hesitate to go after people bigger than him, but he's had some chance luck to win a lot of his fights.

Bourne and Wick are closest in their hand to hand combat skill level and resourcefulness. Bourne used a book and Wick used a peyncil. I think Bourne would need some kind of luck tho, Wick is just absolutely cold, and his main goal is to kill, not just defend himself. Bourne sometimes is still trying to win a fight but maybe gain some information like Hunt, so he doesnt have that same drive Wick does.

Wick can take some pretty good damage too.


Asha_Brea t1_jddrrhq wrote

>Hunt is fearless and wont hesitate to go after people bigger than him

He wouldn't have a career if he hesitated to go after people bigger than him...