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MD_FunkoMa t1_jecke3o wrote

I don't trust this vaccine mandate ending. This is going to get messy.


AutographedSnorkel t1_jecstpf wrote

COVID has been over in America for a solid year now, whether you want to admit it or not. The ending of the public health emergency just makes it "official"


StayWinning100x t1_jedrest wrote

As someone who worked in public health it very much was not over last year.

There’s a huge difference between it being culturally over, because people gave up and stopped caring. Vs it being actually over because scientists and health experts said it was over.


Revolutionary_Box569 t1_jedopms wrote

Anyone who wants it has had the option of getting 4 shots at this point (some will even have had 5), you can’t keep it going forever


Agamemnon420XD t1_jee4rac wrote

Bro, right? Like anyone who cares about Covid is free to get vaccinated and free to wear a mask 24/7 and free to stay 6ft away from everyone else. It’s just nice that the rest of us are finally free to not do that shit.