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[deleted] t1_jedwqye wrote


VHwrites t1_jef2sc9 wrote

No COVID protocols were required by insurance because production insurance never covered COVID related delays.


MysteriousTelephone t1_jedxmll wrote

And in 2021 that was a serious concern, but the disease has mutated to a point where it is basically “The Sniffles” for most people. And while it still could take an actor off work for a week, it’s now a lot lower risk than injury etc.


littlebiped t1_jeed6l9 wrote

Literally just last night I was reading about how Bill Murray had to be replaced by Steve Carell for Asteroid City because he caught covid in 2022, it’s not a week of work it’s more like a month at minimum and that’s if the disease doesn’t fuck you up due to severity + age + comorbidities + post infection recovery. It’s a nice balm to think it’s just a few days of sneezing but it still is a clusterfuck of a thing to catch for most people