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Agamemnon420XD t1_jegh4fx wrote

Well, I’m sorry but that’s just your opinion.

I could give you a much longer-winded response about how dubious and unreliable resources about Covid are, and how unreliable the testing and reporting was, and about how the ‘experts’ kept conveniently changing their minds/policies on Covid, and about how profitable the lockdown and the vaccines were, but, I’d rather not waste my time.

You do you, I’ll do me; we’re both finally free to live that way, thank god.

(I can’t believe this guy mocked freedom like that’s a good thing)


Petal_Chatoyance t1_jegp4jj wrote

When you have a family member permanently crippled by long covid - as I do - then perhaps you will finally understand.

Everyone always feels immortal and invulnerable until reality finally hits them hard.

I grieve for the lesson you will one day, inevitably, learn.


Agamemnon420XD t1_jeguslx wrote

I’m sorry to hear that, but that’s not my problem, either. I don’t change my life based on others’ experiences as opposed to my own.