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_angryguy_ t1_jea3sue wrote

I mean cool I guess but why this one? I feel like there are much better stories he has made that would be better to adapt into live action.


patrickwithtraffic t1_jeatu67 wrote

I'm seeing it's being produced by Fangoria Studios, who I doubt have massive resources for big budget demands that could come from other works from Junji Ito. Still, I'm precarious because Ito's work has yet to translate well to TV and film. His horror comes from the massive disgusting detail oozing from every horrific page turn and it's damn hard to replicate that outside of manga.


93torrent93 t1_jedauh8 wrote

If I had to have someone adapt Itou’s work, it would be 80s Cronenberg. The two were made for one another, shame that the timeline didn’t cooperate.


robophile-ta t1_jech6hh wrote

Fangoria generally does good stuff, so I'm cautiously optimistic