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Badwolf_131 t1_it1nbmv wrote

iTunes does it. Purchase the movie, download it, then the file is yours. It has a signature in it that makes it only usable by you. Before my external HD blew up that’s what I do with my movies. That way I could just travel with that and not have to bog down my laptop with a fuck ton of files.


ScaryProfessional711 OP t1_it1o62e wrote

Do you actually own a universal file though? Can you play it through windows media player or is it only playable through itunes approved player? I've never used iTunes so I'm unfamiliar. Amazon allows for downloads but it's downloaded to their app that you install on your device so it's still tied to Amazon. You can't play the downloaded movie through any other media player.


TheRealClose t1_it1r0g0 wrote

It only works in iTunes or QuickTime player. This is to protect it against you copying or altering it etc.


Pjoernrachzarck t1_it1uv63 wrote

You never own software. Even if you download a file, you’re purchasing a licence to use the data, you don’t ‘own’ it. And it is in the publishers legal right to disable the file you downloaded remotely.

So the ‘difference’ to streaming you’re talking about, apart from possibly convenience, is an illusion.


Badwolf_131 t1_it1pkx6 wrote

Didn’t try using anything beyond QuickTime. But it is downloaded in a folder on the computer as an MP4. So theoretically it should work. On that computer. Or any other computer that has authorizations through your iTunes. Theoretically.

It’s been some time since my external blew up. So I haven’t been able to use this option since.


TheRealClose t1_it1r1fr wrote

It doesn’t work outside QuickTime or iTunes. They are m4v “protected” files, not just mp4.


Deadend-Video-0 t1_it215fk wrote

There are multiple programs out there that will convert the files. Do a little searching and you'll find them.


TheRealClose t1_it25s9y wrote

You need to removed the DRM first. You can get software that does that but it costs.


Fantastic-Watch8177 t1_it2anbw wrote

They will defeat DRM too. Trust me; I have done it, as have many others. Cost: sure, a little.