Submitted by Plus_Description2179 t3_yhxn9g in movies

Was anyone else kind of a disappointed in this movie? I knew going in there was going to be a big twist but didn’t know what it was. Within the first 20 minutes I guessed that malcom was dead and was confused as to if that was the big twist and if we were supposed to know that or not. So when that was actually the twist I was disappointed cause like duh?



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opinion_aided t1_iug7dhm wrote

I think even if you spot the twist or know what the twist was going in, the performances are pretty solid and the mood and pace of the film are both tense and interesting.

But if you go in knowing for sure there’s a twist it’s definitely tougher to be uncertain/fooled and some of the ultimate delight of the movie won’t land for you.


Clear-General-6014 t1_iug7xxi wrote

Some movies are more than what they are famous for.

The acting and presentation in the 6th sense is top notch, but not every movie is for everyone.


Superb-Possibility-9 t1_iug88er wrote

It should have won the 1999 Oscar for Best Picture instead of American Beauty


opinion_aided t1_iug96vy wrote

It’s definitely clear from what the movie gives you that something is up with Malcom, and this crisis moment we see him go through is unresolved.

I recall knowing something was coming there, and more than just his relationship working/not working out. But I didn’t know there was a twist so every possibility was there for me and when it’s revealed i wasn’t so much shocked as i was interested in how they finally narratively aligned the pieces they’d given us along the way.

This movie, The Others, The Ring and even the Japanese version of the Grudge (English version was just ok) I thought were quite profound/complex for being PG-13 horror films and relying more on psychology than the torture porn that was emerging at the same time.

Edit: just checked and I guess Ju-On is R-rated. Can’t recall why… but I’d still put it (and its PG-13 American counterpart) in this group.


3pbc t1_iugcnjc wrote

Wow you are super smart to figure it out after you already knew there was a major twist.


Dysfunction_Al t1_iugffdq wrote

Yeah, if you already know that there's going to be a 'big twist', you'll most likely pay more attention and subconsciously (or even consciously) think of what the twist might be.


Nobodycares2022 t1_iugfq38 wrote

I wasn't disappointed at all. I knew nothing of a plot twist because I saw it shortly after its release and no one got to spoil it for me. I quickly assumed he was dead after being shot. I also saw the clues that indicated he was dead. It didn't spoil the movie for me at all. It was & still is a great movie. I still get choked up at Cole and his mother's talk in the car at the end. Its such a beautiful moment in the film. I still felt sympathy/empathy for Malcolm at the end when he came to the realization, despite him not seeing it himself.


jamesneysmith t1_iuggc83 wrote

The biggest problem with watching the movie now versus watching the movie then is the 'Character was dead the whole time' trope is basically a meme at this point. Find a movie up for any sort of interpretation and you'll find people suggesting character X was dead the whole time and that's why the story played out the way it did. I don't know you but I imagine this is an idea that has seepewd it's way into your head just by being alive and on reddit today. When the movie came out back in 1999 this trope was notused frequently at all and was not a general theory for most people. It truly was innovative for many movie goers. So most people never suspected a thing even though we see the main character get shot at the very beginning of the movie. Today's audience is a little too savvy for stuff like that today. So unfortunately you missed out on our general ignorance of the 90's.


ajewtoldjimmy t1_iugmk2h wrote

Also. It's kinda a twist you needed to see when it first came out. Cuz there's been so much coverage and jokes and memes over the years it dilutes it. Like people goin in back in the day weren't even expecting a twist, just a scary movie.


thecutegirl06 t1_iuh06mb wrote

To feel the greatness of this movie you need to watch no other movies made after it (of similar genre). When it was released people had not seen anything like that and very few were able to predict the movie. You can't judge a movie specially a suspense thriller like 20 years after when the plot has been oveused by several other movies


Random_Ghost69 t1_iuhbvdz wrote

I knew what the twist was and still wasn't disappointed when I watched the movie.


InfamousSoftware7475 t1_iuhpzv9 wrote

I just saw it yesterday and i knew it has a twist but i thought its the kid really seeing those dead people, like the prestige going from a normal movie to a supernatural kinda movie, but oh boy i didn't see that Malcom was dead from the start, i know it was obvious and i thank god for my stupidity this time.


PinballFantasy t1_iuicz99 wrote

Good old Redditors and their "I watched a twist movie knowing there's a twist so i figured out the twist". Like fuck, if you go into movies with that kind of detective mode, ofc u're going to figure it out. Just try to enjoy the movie on it's own goddamnit.


farseer4 t1_iuifwyb wrote

Knowing there's a big twist is a big spoiler in itself. You shouldn't be surprised your experience was spoiled. It's not the movie's fault.