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Anathema43 t1_iub57ph wrote

As a rule, franchises get weaker as they go. They become cash grabs, especially when not based on literature. So the Jurrasic, Pirate, Star Wars, & Hobbit/Rings of Power suffer from this.

The fans want SOME fan service. like theyre favorite character of old to meet their new favorite character. Or have favorites get together or revisit places or reference events. So writers cram as much of it as possible. Even if it doesnt logically fit the story at hand. So fans get upset. (Looking at you Fantastic Beasts)

DC Tried to give us too much too soon and crammed fan service into huge ensambles without building the characters. Marvel is great because they are taking their time and slow dripping easter eggs, cameos, and crossovers. Although they started out as all blockbusters, they are now content with just giving us product. Some are great, some are ok. None have been bad (IMO). But much like the comic books they are based off, Marvel is not afraid of exploring unknown characters, offbeat plots, and elaborate ideas. They know not everything will be popular. You dont NEED to see them all, but if you do you can spot references and feel involved in the world.

If you love it, watch it. Just know they won't ever live up to nostalgia or what you read in a book. Try and enjoy at face value. If you're not big on fantasy, dont expect to love pirates 4.

With Netflix, prime, hulu, disney, apple, hbo, paramount, etc there is no lack of entertainment. So find what appeals to you. Mainstream be damned. Good writers are few and far between but theyre still out there.


Phinlee_Bruv OP t1_iub5vsu wrote

Thanks man, like I've said to several people, I'll get round to all the big names eventually, I'm just not too eager to do it rn, like I think I should watch Shawshank and saving private Ryan before back to the future or pirates, but I see your points :)