Submitted by thePian0Star t3_ygf5h8 in movies

As Oscar Wilde, famous writer and author of the literary masterpiece The Picture of Dorian Gray once said, and I'm definetly paraphrasing here, "Most people are other people, their thoughts are other people's thoughts, ther lives a mimicry and their passions a quotation."

This couldn't be any truer in American Psycho, where the 80s Yappie culture completely dehumanized most aspects of our society and turned most people into a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy.

The film introduces our protagonist, Patrick Bateman, who just wants meaningful interactions with other people, but constantly feels unfulfilled with his life as Co-CEO on Wall Street.

He has a need to lash out and revolt against a world so bleak and banal that makes him have an existential crisis about his own identity.

And even after all of this, society is just so indifferent to his struggle as a person which makes him such a pathetic human being that most people can easily identify with, as at the end he says there is no escape and he learns no new information from his confession and telling.

I would give the movie a a strong 9.5/10 even though I thoroughly dislike number reviews.

This is my first review here. Hope you guys liked it.



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TotesObviThrwawy t1_iu8au1h wrote

You really aren't supposed to identify with Bateman...


BEE_REAL_ t1_iu8c4b6 wrote


Bateman is literally a sadistic psychopath, he has no desire to interact with people in any way beyond demonstrating power over them. He is upset because society is so uncaring and shallow, his own personal depravity doesn't even make a dent.


whitejesus2022 t1_iu8cn9u wrote

Bates did such a good job as yuppie scum, I have no interest to watch him in anything else ever again.


TazplexNoises t1_iu8fjr7 wrote

You might want to go to a medical professional.

If you identify with Bateman.


Comfortable-Cress362 t1_iu8u8vf wrote

Your take on the movie is almost political messaging. Your take states its society that is to blame, that patrick bateman is a victim. Its ridiculous. The movie is tame, compared to the book it is based on. I suggest you read the book, your take would be different. The movie is basically a dark comedy, not nearly as dark as the book. I do agree with your scoring of the movie. Its a damn good film, I have seen it countless times. If you want to really get into it, read the book!


LapOfHonour t1_iu8ume8 wrote

>The film introduces our protagonist, Patrick Bateman, who just wants meaningful interactions with other people

I've a feeling you're trolling us with this review my friend. Bateman's a narcissistic psychopath.


thePian0Star OP t1_iu90q0n wrote

I mean do you agree about what I said about society, that it is shallow and materialistic and everybody is a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy and that makes some people have the urge to lash out against the very own world that they live in and even then, everybody is just so indifferent to each other's struggles? I know he is a psychopath, it says it right on the name, but the way he agrees he's a sick guy at the end coupled with total disregard that society has towards him makes for a pretty interesting and powerful message, don't you think?


darthpothos t1_iu91snz wrote

The Picture of Dorian Gray is the best book ever written, that’s all.


needan4me t1_iu9n9hb wrote

The only decent part of your review is the number part that you dislike strongly — I wouldn’t go quit your day job to take up reviewing.


thePian0Star OP t1_iu9o32m wrote

Yeah you're not the first one in this thread telling me to quit reviewing movies, look I may have not put the required effort into this, but I really tried...I will express myself better next time for my next movie review, Fight Club or Memento.


thePian0Star OP t1_iu9wufa wrote

Hey dude no, you were being great :). Without your comment I wouldn't be motivated to improve. People like you can make a big difference in someone's life, and I really appreciate it. Thank you :)