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jamesneysmith t1_iub4q7d wrote

Reply to comment by AshennJuan in Smile...trigger warnings by [deleted]

First if all therapy is not always so simply sought given how expensive it it. But secondly a lot of people are actively in therapy which can sometimes take a long time before a person can live comfortably without side effects or sometimes never live without any side effects. Things can still trigger these people. And during this time of therapy and treatment they are generally speaking still living their lives and doing things like watching movies. So I think you should be more open minded to the idea of trigger warnings. It's not all overly sensitive people crying for attention. Many many people have actual traumatic or otherwise experiences that they are actively trying to heal from.


AshennJuan t1_iub5xfw wrote

I understand your point but I still find it counterproductive. I understand everyone's different but I resolved my childhood trauma through therapy without avoiding any triggers. When I felt "triggered" I talked myself through the situation and reminded myself of the realities - you're not actually back there reliving it and it's normal to feel this way when you're reminded of a traumatic event. You breathe, remind yourself you're okay, and carry on. It took a long time but I'm now completely at peace with my past and present and nothing in a movie is gonna dislodge my mental stability because I worked through it fairly healthily, one step at a time and didn't run from my fear. But again, everyone is different and if they help some people get through when they otherwise couldn't then all power to them, but I see far too many people leaning on TWs like a personality trait. Get help, people.