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Syn7axError t1_itx15st wrote

If Conan doesn't feel original, it's because everyone else ripped it off. The books were groundbreaking.


Herne8 OP t1_itx20j4 wrote

Yes, I've read the books, but I'm talking about the movie.


Syn7axError t1_itx855l wrote

Well, yes. That's what happens when you adapt the one that started it all. It feels unoriginal compared to all the knock-offs. I saw similar complaints about the Northman this year.

But I also think it makes for a better movie. Conan is so much more well-rounded and better-written than anyone imitating him, because he was created as an actual character. The rest are one note clichés.


DrRexMorman t1_itxlmks wrote

All the movies you mentioned also ripped off Conan the barbarian.

Also, Conan was the role that made Arnold a star.