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balamshir t1_itywf3s wrote

Actually keen on this. Then found out it involved a walking dead writer. Hard pass


Rockinwithdokken t1_itz4ygk wrote

I’m someone who has a soft spot for WD. It’s my ultimate guilty pleasure. But full agreement here that is not the right pick imo. Maybe I’d have to see what episodes they did though.


Grapesoda5k t1_itzd8oc wrote

I used to like it before they insisted on using automatic weapon fire and pretending there would be a shortage of ammunition in this country so quickly.


urborous t1_itztjlt wrote

I used to watch the early seasons and I actually hated how few guns they had, given it's the USA and you could raid any Grandpa's basement almost anywhere.


Try_Another_Please t1_iu0o5f6 wrote

They have a ton of guns in basically every season except a few ten years later. Then they find more guns than ever.

Never understood why these complaints always seem to not be remotely accurate to the show lol


Legitimate_Web_7245 t1_itz6odk wrote

Dang it. I was sick of TWD after the 3-4 season. I couldn't stand Carl anymore. Wanted that kid to die so badly. It took waaaaaaay too long to kill him off.


Try_Another_Please t1_iu0okoj wrote

I mean TWD is by far the most successful and liked zombie property in the last 20 years likely ever (romero legacy notwithstanding since it started it) not exactly an odd choice.

TWD is also basically pure romero from the beginning lol. Literally nothing exists closer to romeros films.

The hate train got out of hand years ago and has eclipsed logic.