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Landlubber77 t1_iu8fmzz wrote

I rewatch this movie like twice a year. It's an emotional investment though. For example, I think I've fast forwarded the part with the Zodiac by the lake every single time but maybe twice. Lol it's too much.

It also really shows you the power of point of view in a movie, since everyone who watches it comes away from it with the impression that Arthur Leigh Allen must have been Zodiac. However according to the research, conventional wisdom at the time and even now was that it was someone else altogether. Arthur Leigh Allen is who Robert Graysmith zeroed in on in real life and the movie (based on his books) is from his point of view.

But this is 1B for me as far as Fincher movies go, with 1A being The Social Network. And I wouldn't be angry with anyone who wanted to switch the two.


TronCurtain t1_iu8fwlv wrote

>the part with the Zodiac by the lake

Probably among the greatest individual scenes in movie history. Devastating.


Original_Giraffe8039 t1_iu966gn wrote

My brother and I were squirming in our seats when we saw it in the cinema. Felt like I was the one being attacked it was that visceral


GypsyDishwasher t1_iu8hyta wrote

Every time I watch the Lake Berryessa scene, my chest tightens up. Despite the lack of blood that most knife scenes in film have, it's one of the more visceral. The one breathless grunt the guy lets out on the first stab is worse than the girl screaming in abject terror.