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TheGolgafrinchan t1_iudu63g wrote

Every time. I immediately go to IMDB.


forced_spontaneity t1_iue1jed wrote

Yup exactly, although I do try to figure it out first for as long as I can bear. On the times I get it right, before going to IMDB I allow myself a fist pump and say ‘boosh!’, it’s the little things…


WatchBat t1_iufdvyy wrote

Same lol

It's just the sweet feeling of victory of remembering the actor before googling them


International_Hat113 t1_iufslw5 wrote

My wife and I do the same thing. Whoever figures it out first gets bragging rights. If no one gets it after five minutes or so, we go to IMDB.


dharma28 t1_iuenjwh wrote

I always have to be careful with this for tv shows because seeing their episode count can be a spoiler by itself (the trick is to go through the episode guide for the series on IMDb)


January28thSixers t1_iuf0nvm wrote

Good tip! I always try to make my brain not register it, but brains are dicks sometimes.


WorthPlease t1_iufk8r2 wrote

Yup have ruined some pretty major spoilers by seeing that the actor whose name I couldn't remember is no longer in the show after X episodes.


GaGaORiley t1_iuex0bs wrote

I think my IMDb account is probably my oldest internet account for this reason. I’ve been hooked for probably 25 years now!


ItsNotJulius t1_iuggwrr wrote

Wow, I'm also surprised that IMDB has been around for that long.


american_dimes t1_iugtz68 wrote

Oh yeah, I studied it in the late nineties when my friends and I played 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon competitively. Also, the Oracle of Bacon.


Alterscapes t1_iuf4dpr wrote

Never forget the days of needing to wait until a movie ended so you could see the cast credits.


macabred1 t1_iuezlc5 wrote

Yes. I can’t watch a movie or tv show without IMDB handy for actor resumes and film trivia.


TiesG92 t1_iugzddm wrote

You can Google it as well, just Google the series, click on “Cast”, click on the actor and check his/her movies/series


thelady1468 t1_iuf79s4 wrote

Yeah. It’s 2022. How are there people who don’t know about IMDB?


theRed-Herring t1_iufpwv0 wrote

Same, but only when me trying to figure out who it is gets in the way of me focusing on the movie


groove117 t1_iugaoqj wrote

Wikipedia is just as detailed as IMDB and isn't owned by Amazon.


icup2 t1_iugn0xd wrote

I always love the challenge and will always try to remember where I’ve seen them before and THEN use imdb to confirm if I’m right or wrong. It’s just more fun that way.


carson63000 t1_iugn51w wrote

Same! And then I invariably find they've done like one episode in each of a dozen TV shows I've watched, in some walk-on role I don't remember, and I'm left wondering if they were actually familiar or if they just reminded me of some other actor.


WeedLMT69 t1_iugxeeh wrote

This guy f**ks... I've thought about this guy... maybe I haven't... I really haven't... hope your '22 is going well... thank you for having a similar answer

But I'm pretty sure this guy f**ks!


TheGolgafrinchan t1_iuiaxif wrote

Been married for over 10 years and I am 50 y/o. This guy doesn't fuck as much as he used to, unfortunately.