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DigitalDrews t1_iub81l3 wrote

The scary version is that he’s not following orders anymore and is picking his own targets and objectives. I don’t think there is any enhancement, just extreme training and discipline.


Mysteez t1_iubf0qi wrote

def not genetically enhanced, just highly trained / educated / molded to be the perfect disposable human agent


wildadragon t1_iub8w0c wrote

In the Bourne Legacy Aaron Cross(Jeremy Renner) and the other agents each take a green pill(physical enhancement), and a blue pull(mental enhancement).


PsycoEng t1_iubhq8e wrote

I always thought this was supposed to mean that the Treadstone agents had permanent enhancement but it was dangerous so they started the pill regiment program in Legacy.


DigitalDrews t1_iubnjo7 wrote

The Legacy agents are from another program, I don’t think the Blackbriar or Treadstone agents from the original trilogy were enhanced. It’s been years since I’ve watched any of these tho 🤷


RealNaughtyGamer t1_iucngeh wrote

Yet, in the first Bourne movie the asset (Clive Owen) that came after Bourne at the end of the film mentioned the headaches from the pills after Jason shot him in the field. I always assumed that was from some sort of program enhancement.


homing_bear t1_iucw6gd wrote

I don't remember he's mentioning pills there only headaches.


RealNaughtyGamer t1_iue9d7s wrote

Watch it again. He mentions the pills and headaches.
He talks about the headaches and that it might have something to do with the headlights. Jason asked him "what is Treadstone?", Clive's character says, "It's the pills, they said go to paris." and doubles over in pain.


cary_granite t1_iubq5cx wrote

The enhancement gave them headaches, remember.


RampDog1 t1_iubsfr2 wrote

The mind control gave them headaches as part of the conditioning. I read the books I don't recall enhancements in the books either.


DrRexMorman t1_iubuc5m wrote

Clive Owens' character takes "chems" before he confronts Bourne.


RampDog1 t1_iubwkm0 wrote

I may have to reread the books ( it's been a long time ago), some say the books had more of the Chems.


DrRexMorman t1_iubuafm wrote

>1- Was Jason Bourne genetically enhanced?

I don't remember Bourne 2 well enough to recall specific details - but Bourne 1 has Clive Owens' character (giving us a glimpse into a universe wher he played an incredible Bond) take medicine before completing his jobs and asks Bourne if he also gets headaches while working. This suggests that the other Treadstone agents are conditioned somehow.

Bourne 3 reveals some of Bourne's psychologicaly/pharmacological conditioning.

Bourne Legacy reveals that Bourne was like a 2nd generation super soldier who had been chemically and genetically altered to be smarter/faster/stronger, etc. (basically a "real life" Captain America).

>2- What did Nicky mean by a "scary version" when Pam told her the objectives and targets were always coming from them?

Pam (Landy) believes Bourne is working for a foreign government.

Nicky suggests he's on his own.

This is scary because basically all of our (US) foreign threats right now come from people who were trained by US intelligence forces to fight one enemy who decided that the US was their real enemy. So, imagine a mentally ill/unstable super assasin who's been pharmacologically and psychologically programmed to kill without remorse (this is actually the threat that splits up the Avengers in Captain America Civil War).

Apropos of nothing - I think this series/concept could stand expansion. Check out Charly (Flowers for Algernon) as a stealth prequel:


wightsrus t1_iud9yjz wrote

No, he's not genetically enhanced.

He's been conditioned, which means he's been physically, emotionally and intellectually manipulated and trained until he's at peak condition, but also completely controllable through a combination of behavioural conditioning and a collection of drugs the Treadstone subjects take daily that make him susceptible to suggestion. He's been turned into the perfect soldier/hit man because he doesn't refuse orders, and just gets the job done, every time. It's worked so well that he doesn't even know his real name or real history. As part of his conditioning, he's been taught to handle pain, control stress, etc. so it can appear like he's superhuman, but he's ... not.

Which leads to your second question ... what's the most scary thing about making these hyper-trained, super controllable, near-automatons? When one of them breaks the conditioning, stops taking the drugs, and learns to think for himself again, realizing that he's been controlled and used as a walking weapon the entire time. Now that HE is choosing his targets, his controllers suspect who his next targets will be .... them!


mickeyflinn t1_iuhcfdl wrote

> Was Jason Bourne genetically enhanced?


> What did Nicky mean by a "scary version"

It means these very talented and fucked up killing machines are not being controlled anymore.