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General_PoopyPants t1_itxwyv4 wrote

I just want to get Eddie Redmayne a lifetime supply of chapstick


highdefrex t1_itxz04y wrote

#I moisten my lips!

^^^^And ^^^^I ^^^^destroy ^^^^them.


cafeteriastyle t1_ity34bo wrote

I literally just finished this movie less than 5 mins ago. It was pretty good, a little slow but Jessica Chastain was amazing as always.


StareyedInLA t1_itynu1l wrote

That slow burn was pretty effective, imho. I saw The Good Nurse at an early screening two weeks ago, and quite a few people jumped at that one scene in the diner.

On a side note, got to chat with Jessica Chastain afterwards. She is an absolute delight, both as an actress and as a person.


RaptureMasquerade t1_ityhvud wrote

Weird inaccuracy in the final point of this article. The final section discussing the motive says:

"The film opens with a young Cullen being pushed to the side as a medical team urgently administers defibrillation to a family member."

That's just wrong. Its just a random patient, and the "young Cullen" is a nurse. He's the first to respond when the alarm sounds. You can even see him remove his stethoscope and he's wearing scrubs. He's clearly a nurse working in the scene, not a younger version of himself witnessing the death of a family member.


DearestBadger t1_itysp9z wrote

I thought this was probably his first victim.


RaptureMasquerade t1_itzxiw8 wrote

Definitely agree! That lingering push in on his face watching it happen. Feels like it goes from faux concern/shock to kind of, fascination.


-lover-of-books- t1_iugys4s wrote

The only disservice the movie does is actually telling the extent of what he did and limit really showing how long he got away with murdering patients and how messed up he and his life was. The book was so good and so detailed and I wish the movie was a miniseries instead to go into details.

Cullen started nursing in 1986 but wasn't caught until 2003. He is thought to potentially have started killing as early as his first job. He may have a kill count of over 400 patients. He was shuffled between like 9 different hospitals. Many of which knew he may have or actually harmed or killed a patient but just let him leave instead of doing anything about it.

The movie really only focuses on his last hospital, because Amy played such a vital role in him finally getting caught. But that last hospital dragged their feet, waited months to report the patient death they were legally required to report, and hindered the investigation at all steps to protect themselves. And he killed many patients in that time frame.

Cullen himself was very troubled, had alcohol issues, psych issues, attempted suicide multiple times by swallowing a bottle of pills but then calling 911 or going to the ER himself. Was an animal abuser, stalked a girlfriend, arrested multiple times.


TheJaybo t1_ityx04z wrote

Fact: Eddie Redmayne's entire body is covered in lip skin.


Baudilaire t1_iu1bhtp wrote

Did he really shout “I can’t 1001 times?” That was painful to watch.


bearpics16 t1_iu0fots wrote

“Jessica Chastain as the world’s most improbably good-looking (even with unflattering normie haircuts) ICU nurses.”

At my hospital, the ICU nurses are definitely the best looking at my hospital. I respect them all as professionals, but it’s hard to not notice…


calliejq68 t1_itxzxqt wrote

I work in a hospital and work with many ICU nurses. I’m deeply offended that this article implies That Eddie Redmain is more attractive than them, much less then average man walking around any given public place. I call bullshit on this review in general as this person lost credibility in the first few sentences.


Flamboyant_Straight t1_ityd5hu wrote

I'm a med student who moonlights as an IFT paramedic, so I also see ICU nurses fairly often, and I'm with you. Hilarious that you're being taken so seriously by these downvoters.


calliejq68 t1_itzjucx wrote

Seriously, can no one understand sarcasm/irony?


cestquilepatron t1_itz0c94 wrote

It's a bit silly to discredit the entire article over a couple words, but it's definitely a very unnecessary and borderline creepy comment from the author.


calliejq68 t1_ity00b4 wrote

I work in a hospital and work with many ICU nurses. I’m deeply offended that this article implies That Eddie Redmain is more attractive than them, much less then average man walking around any given public place. I call bullshit on this review in general as this person lost credibility in the first few sentences.
