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Dombfrsh t1_ita01gn wrote

Or he just doesn't run in the house cause he already knows how it works and he just lights it on fire and watches it burn killing the woman he loves


MasturbatingMiles t1_ita0gpu wrote

Sure, but she’s been screaming and haunted for like a week, how would he know it’s this moment?


Dombfrsh t1_ita0opa wrote

Because it was clear when she left him and didn't tell him where she was he had to track her


MasturbatingMiles t1_ita4rx7 wrote

But that’s all by her admission, she wasn’t ever on the monsters timeline. I’m not saying yours wouldn’t have been a good ending, just that he should have known isn’t as cut and dry


Dombfrsh t1_ita4x20 wrote

That established it throughout the movie where she's at in the timeline and she was coming up on her 7th day if I'm not mistaken

It's been a while since I've seen it


QTRqtr t1_ita4gg9 wrote

Hard agree. I’m tired of all these films ending like this. I thought We moved past the cliche slasher trope of the killer surviving in the last scene just to repeat it multiple times in modern horror films. It’s lazy and a cop out.


mariop715 t1_ita4olz wrote

It's like how I really want a Sinister sequel where the parent just straight up mercs their kids. And Baghul just stands in the corner stunned.


MasturbatingMiles t1_ita4wi2 wrote

Ahahahah! That would be the best! For a second I thought you wrote that as if it’s a movie and I didn’t know a new one came out.