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MisterEChops t1_iu8nlfl wrote

Sort your shit out mate.


Mr_Guy_Person OP t1_iu8rbke wrote

I’m doing fine…I’m taking Liz to the Winchester tonight.


Herne8 t1_iu8o1bc wrote

I was in Weymouth when they filmed the harbour scenes for Dunkirk. I can't remember for the life of me were he got it, but my friend ended carrying around a fluffy pink teddy bear and we spent a good 20 minutes drunkenly walking around the set pieces lining the harbour trying to find somewhere to hide it where it might go unnoticed on the off chance that it made it into the background in the film.

Alas, we ended up just hurling it into someone's open second floor window and running away.


ShitfacedWithMyDog t1_iu8vjps wrote

Nope wasn’t good at all imo I’m surprised that one got to you like it did. Dunkirk was good but best of the last 20 years is crazy.


AbleInfluence1817 t1_iu93edw wrote

The post is deleted now, are those the movies they mentioned? What was the other point of the post? Is dunkirk even the best war movie of its own decade when you consider 1917 and Hacksaw Ridge came out around the same time?


ShitfacedWithMyDog t1_iu95629 wrote

It was a weird post. He basically said those 2 are the best films of the last 20 years because they were the only films that he sat through without leaving multiple times for a smoke break. He said he did leave during Nope but only after an hour and a half.


AbleInfluence1817 t1_iu95xi7 wrote

Lmao, damn I’m glad I asked, thank you! Yes the two people I’ve kissed in the last 10 years are the best kissers in the world in my opinion too


Steaminmcbeanymuffin t1_iu8nbo6 wrote

why not switch to vaping my guy? Better for your health and nobody is really going to notice a few hits in the theatre


graymulligan t1_iu8scn1 wrote

Both are messing with your lungs, so perhaps shoot for not doing either one.

And trust me, everyone notices the assholes vaping in the theatre.


Herne8 t1_iu8o8i7 wrote

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but I think the fact like they smell like a used McDonald's milkshake beaker that's been repurposed as an ashtray might be a dead giveaway in an enclosed space.


Steaminmcbeanymuffin t1_iu8p0pz wrote

Not being sarcastic, this guy would literally be better off vaping, smells aside. Plus, have you smelled actual cigarettes? I would rather have someone vape next to me than if they smoked hours ago


Herne8 t1_iu8qlxt wrote

Yeah, lost my dad to emphysema when I was 13 as a result of him smoking like a trooper for 43 years, so I'm familiar with the smell and you're right; way worse.

Still not gonna get away with vaping in a cinema though.


Mr_Guy_Person OP t1_iu8rqhq wrote

Either way I fell into one trap…all anyone, who’s vaping, is doing is falling into the next one.

Oh, they don’t think there’s anything wrong with them…could swear I’ve heard that song and dance before…maybe even an Emmy award winning show with it as a sort of back drop setting.

Point is ain’t nothing suppose to go in your lungs except air.


Steaminmcbeanymuffin t1_iu8s7lu wrote

you would dramatically decrease your chances of cancer or emphysema if you switched. It’s ordering a Diet Coke with your McDonald’s but it is better for you