Submitted by No-Communication3048 t3_yh6awg in movies

I got many picks but to spare time (and to avoid controversy), I'll give a few.

First, The Bad Guys. I had little expectations because for one thing, I haven't seen many DreamWorks films, and for the other, the films that I remember seeing from them were so cringeworthy. But then, I seen it and you guys heard of "third time's a charm?" Well, it was like that and now it's in my top 5 of 2022.

Speaking of which, Elvis. I thought it wouldn't be great and over the top like Baz Luhrmann's most known films. But, when I seen it with my mom, sister, and grandma, the latter is a big Elvis fan, we all really loved it. Austin Butler also really hit an out of the park with his portrayal of Elvis, and I bet in Heaven, he'll be very proud.

Last, another 2022 animated film, DC League of Super-Pets. I was very pleased with how well done it is. In fact, it's like another LEGO Batman Movie scenario, but less LEGO and more animals. I also got to give the writers a kudos for my favorite joke in the film: "Oh great, here comes the Paw Patrol..." (The line may not be fully accurate)



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Ohadi_Nacnud_3 t1_iucamfy wrote

L.A. Confidential. I'm not a fan of 2 of the main actors in that movie and it was fantastic.


Local-Journalist-165 t1_iucdjj5 wrote

Stardust with Charlie Cox,Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro!

The Count of Monte Cristo starring Jim Caviezel,Guy Pearce,Luis Guzman and a young upcoming star who is now known formally as Geralt AKA Clark Kent......Henry Caville.


Kakashi168 t1_iucbid6 wrote

Bullet Train and Top Gun Maverick.


jasandliz t1_iuce49f wrote

I didn’t get the appeal of top gun maverick. Just kinda ok.


Kakashi168 t1_iuceo5r wrote

I didn't get the appeal of the first one, thatswhy i had low expectations for the second one.


nightfishin t1_iucekzh wrote

The stunts and cinematography are amazing. Thats the appeal compared to the CGI goo of 99% blockbusters.


BEE_REAL_ t1_iucualm wrote

Bram Stoker's Dracula is a movie I went into thinking it was fun and crazy but in sort of a half good half bad sorta way.

Turns out it's just amazing


No-Communication3048 OP t1_iufioby wrote

I agree. Even with the criticism of Keanu Reeves, I thought he did a good job, even if he wasn't experienced at the time. But also, it was during his Bill & Ted phase.


TopCat0601 t1_iucbye5 wrote

The Dukes of Hazzard. I was expecting hot trash, but I ended up liking it for the solid blend of comedy and action.


zimaskies t1_iudinvh wrote



GroovyFrood t1_iuebjj4 wrote

I agree with this. I watched it with my SO because they like the Predator movies and I was surprised that I enjoyed it.


My_D_Bigger_Than_Urs t1_iucbfrd wrote

I agree about DC League of Super Pets. It was fun and I was expecting garbage.

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012) exceeded my expectations. Blew me away when I saw it in theaters and I'd seen the trailers.

Jerry Maguire (1996) is a Tom Cruise rom-com that is over the top sappy but it just works. Hopefully it will turn you onto Cameron Crowe movies like We Bought a Zoo (2012) and Almost Famous (2000) which are all exceptional. Cuba Gooding Jr. won an Oscar for this so it's not exactly unheard of but feels like no one mentions it anymore.


No-Tune-868 t1_iucg9j7 wrote

Didnt know much about Make Way for Tomorrow (1937) or I Saw the Devil (2010) before i saw them but both blew me away.


GroovyFrood t1_iueacpg wrote

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. We put it on one night figuring that a couple of hours of Nicholas Cage chewing the scenery might be fun, or it might be too much and we'd turn it off in 5 minutes. It was hilarious, and I loved it. The chemistry between Pedro Pascal and Nicholas Cage was perfect.


A_very_nice_dog t1_iuebkbt wrote

I was ready to chalk Lawrence of Arabia up to a nice film from its time that helped move the industry foward and to not hold my attention so well.

Good Lord I was so damn happy to be wrong on that one.


KitsuneRisu t1_iucfsih wrote


I generally disliked most of the DC movies but this one was so schlocky it was... fun? I could turn my brain off and just enjoy the ride.


thewillingvictim t1_iucti4h wrote

Hottie and the Nottie, no no hear me out. Generally it's hated by people who haven't seen it, it's become "Trendy" to hate but I really enjoyed it. Hilton isn't the lead, she's basically playing herself here so she doesn't ruin it with her terrible acting and a lot of folks who call the movie shallow are missing the point entirely.

Each to his/her own but I oddly enjoyed it.


classiccomedycorner t1_iufxeid wrote

I wasn't expecting much when watching Who Done It?, because it had Benny Hill as the male lead. And I only knew Benny Hill from his "Yackety Sax" sketches where he mostly chases after scantily clad women.
Turns out he was a solid actor; and he is perfectly cast in this film as the hapless wannabe private eye.
And the DP was Otto Heller, which is why this film looks better than it needed to.


Pingasboybitch t1_iug7zsa wrote

Ghostbusters, i thought it would be bad 'cause i was a stupid kid and after seeing it i changed my mind immediately


ilovelucygal t1_iuhph8g wrote

Cloud Atlas (2012)

Rush (2013)

Master and Commander (2003)

The Bounty (1984)