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guachi01 t1_iuc1rpw wrote

The way people in movies from the 30s and 40s talk. Almost no one talks like that anymore. It's distinctive and changes in the 50s.

The change to widescreen movies.

B-movies and serials. Those stopped as soon as TV took off and the 60 minute B-movie was replaced by TV.

Every woman in an action-type movie being a reporter. It's not a mistake that Lois Lane was a reporter being modeled on Torchy Blane (a great series of B-movies).

CGI movies adding camera shots that would be impossible otherwise. See many action scenes in movies from the '80s or '90s.

The steadicam enabling camerawork while moving. First used in 1976 in several films - think Rocky running up a flight of stairs. Those shots were previously impossible.