Submitted by CinnamonMixture t3_yhd74f in movies

Mine is Willow. The witch freaked me out as a kid. It is actually the only movie that has caused me actual nightmares.

Oh, and the start of Return of the King. Smeagol strangling his friend was a rough scene for a young me.

What is yours?




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imitebmike t1_iud3cc5 wrote

tim curry's It

to this day i wont talk to any drain clowns no matter how nicely they talk to me.


Briguy28 t1_iud7gts wrote

Who the Hell shows a 7 year old Jaws?

My uncle, that's who.


christopia86 t1_iud6obk wrote

Saw Arachnophobia and Gremlins when I was about 4. I liked both a lot and didn't get nightmares.

I saw Bravehart when I was 9 or 10. My parents were not bothered about violence but would dive for the remote like it was a grenade with the pin out if there was a sex scene.


floofymonstercat t1_iud3nf6 wrote

The Exorcist (1973) at age 10.It was an edited for TV version. Freaked me the f out. I was raised catholic and I thought I was gonna get possessed. I heard John Hodgman had the same experience.


KashToTheFuture t1_iud3wpc wrote

The Shuttered Room (1967) starring Oliver Reed.

That film gave me nightmares for months.


d1g1t4ld00m t1_iud4thk wrote

Pewee’s big adventure. The large marge scene freaked me out as a kid.


Street-Cold-7650 t1_iud4s8c wrote

The Thing; the spider head will always be engraved in my brain.


TheRealClose t1_iud53kx wrote

Funny story about me first seeing The Return of the King.

The first time I saw any of it I was definitely too young. I knew I wasn’t allowed to watch it, but my brother was watching it and so I sat on a stool in the hallway and literally watched through a tiny crack in the door. I saw the scene of Sam and Frodo trying to climb mount doom, and perhaps some of the confrontation in the centre of the volcano.

Then when it finally came time for me to actually be allowed to watch it, my mum didn’t want me to see the very first scene. So we skipped it and I saw the rest.

Literally as soon as we finished I downloaded the movie onto my iPod nano and I watched the whole movie again, including the first scene.

I still have chills watching that scene.


Crazyjaw t1_iudffhb wrote

It’s a real trip to think of return of the king as a movie somebody saw when they were “too young”, as I saw it in college. It also has a scene that never ceases to make me tear up a little (“no my friends, you bow to no one”)

To future date myself, my snuck out of my room to see my family watch “Alien” when I was like seven. That was my only nightmare causing movie as a kid I believe


mandarin_orange1 t1_iud58qi wrote

I would have to say Jeepers Creepers (2001). I spent many car rides fearing I would look behind myself and see The Creeper.


GreatTragedy t1_iud5l8i wrote

Candyman. I was probably 10. Huge mistake.


monkelus t1_iud651c wrote

Pretty much all of them. My parents used to take us to pick a few videos each sunday, my dad would get an action or horror, my mum a risqué Porky’s-esque comedy and a kids film for us. We’d then sit through all three as a family before taking them back to get a same day return discount. By the age of 10 I’d pretty become unshockable


Ohadi_Nacnud_3 t1_iud69fz wrote

Conan the Barbarian, Predator, Terminator. Robocop.


Anonymotron42 t1_iud9iig wrote

Poltergeist (1982) gave me nightmares for a week after I saw it on home video. I must have been about six years old. It wasn’t an R movie, but shouldn’t have been rated PG. I believe it was part of the discussion for the new PG-13 rating, along with Gremlins and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.


Thorinth t1_iudg1ea wrote

Jurassic Park at age 5


Johhnymaddog316 t1_iud4x0i wrote

DC Cab with Mr T when I was about 10 or 11. Far too racy for a kid that age! I was shocked. We were living in Spain at the time and the holiday resort up the road showed English language movies in their little cinema and didn't even check if we were old enough. So 10-11 year old me got to see The Terminator, Aliens, Robocop and Commando among others.


Hellbore t1_iud6im0 wrote

"Phantasm", for some reason my dad thought this was an okay movie to take an eight year old to see. The Tall Man, zombie dwarves, and the flying death orbs made quite an impact on me.


United-Historian-482 t1_iud8b03 wrote

Either Flatliners (1990) or one of those horror anthology movies. Might of been Creepshow. Definitely too young to walk in on either movie being randomly shown on television.


SanderStrugg t1_iud8l7r wrote

Troll 2 actually managed to scare me.


MDF87 t1_iudcp91 wrote

Return Of The Living Dead. Though to be fair it goes a long way to explain why I love zombie movies so much as an adult.


HoselRockit t1_iudcum3 wrote

When I was seven or eight I saw The War of the Gargantuas, a cheesy, rubber suit monster movie. Didn't even make it to the end. Had nightmares for years.


nikilidstrom t1_iudhhkh wrote

The Fly, Zombie and Beverly Hills Cop. Drive-In double headers were a gold mine of inappropriate viewing when I was a kid.


nikilidstrom t1_iudhig4 wrote

The Fly, Zombie and Beverly Hills Cop. Drive-In double headers were a gold mine of inappropriate viewing when I was a kid.


FoxOntheRun99 t1_iudr40y wrote

Predator. I was barely a youngin. 7-9?


GoldStarGranny t1_iuds4wg wrote

I saw The Godfather when I was 8 and was totally traumatized by the horse head scene. I was afraid to go to bed for weeks.


spacemanspiff1218 t1_iudwjk8 wrote

The Indiana Jones movie (can't remember which) where the guy gets his heart ripped out


VRGator t1_iugy2e0 wrote

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (2nd one)


mrwhitaker3 t1_iue6hcn wrote


"You have five seconds to comply." (c) ED-209.


Puzzleheaded_Fail157 t1_iuebd0h wrote

Life is Beautiful as a small child. I sobbed so hard my family thought they had broken me.

I still can’t bring myself to watch it since


FormalMango t1_iuelvpx wrote

So a little backstory: my dad was in the military, and was away a lot when I was growing up. But whenever he was home, Friday was "our" day. He'd pick me up from school on Friday and we'd go fishing or shopping, or out to the airport to look at the planes or the dock to watch the boats come in. Sometimes we'd just drive around looking at interesting buildings, or we'd go wander around a caryard and he'd talk to me about the different types of cars for sale. Whatever.

On the way home, we'd get takeaway and stop at the video shop and pick a movie each to watch on the floor in front of the TV while he worked on whatever needed doing around the house. So he'd usually have a drop sheet spread out on the floor and be cleaning something or fixing something.

And we'd each pick a movie, and my dad didn't really pay attention to parental advice warnings. He just wanted to show me the films he loved, and some of them (in hindsight) I was probably too young for.

Before I was 12, I'd seen: Apocalypse Now, Porky's, Dirty Harry, Barbarella, Easy Rider, Bonnie & Clyde, The Dirty Dozen, Animal House, a lot of Spaghetti Westerns, the Deer Hunter. Plus a lot more.

Weirdly, I wasn't allowed to watch The Terminator because my parents through it was too violent.


Holiday-Research627 t1_iueoocw wrote

I was 7 when i walked into a room with my cousin's watching the exorcist.

Of course it's the god damn crucifix scene, had night terrors for a couple years after that.

It started my love relationship with horror after i was done being traumatised.


Chemical-Passage-715 t1_iuf8a02 wrote

Texas chainsaw massacre.. the 2003 one I think??? Legit made me scared to death lol


VRGator t1_iugy4ox wrote

In Cold Blood.


khaldroghoe t1_iugz143 wrote

My dad took my brother and I to see King Kong (2005) in theaters. I was 10 and my brother was 8, my dad had to escort two crying children out of the theater during the scene with the natives. We were both HORRIFIED. Looking back, it’s just people with white paint on their faces but for some reason it was terrifying as a child.


TheRealSmelladroid t1_iuhcvtx wrote

Not really a movie but "The Raft" from Creepshow. I watched it one night in my uncle's room while staying over with my grandparents, he was at work so I was unsupervised for that one. Swimming in lakes freaked me out for many many years.


Gummy_yumyum t1_iuddkrd wrote

I watched a lot of grotesque movies at a young age. I think I’m a kind, caring person. They’re just movies.
