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TheRealClose t1_iud53kx wrote

Funny story about me first seeing The Return of the King.

The first time I saw any of it I was definitely too young. I knew I wasn’t allowed to watch it, but my brother was watching it and so I sat on a stool in the hallway and literally watched through a tiny crack in the door. I saw the scene of Sam and Frodo trying to climb mount doom, and perhaps some of the confrontation in the centre of the volcano.

Then when it finally came time for me to actually be allowed to watch it, my mum didn’t want me to see the very first scene. So we skipped it and I saw the rest.

Literally as soon as we finished I downloaded the movie onto my iPod nano and I watched the whole movie again, including the first scene.

I still have chills watching that scene.


Crazyjaw t1_iudffhb wrote

It’s a real trip to think of return of the king as a movie somebody saw when they were “too young”, as I saw it in college. It also has a scene that never ceases to make me tear up a little (“no my friends, you bow to no one”)

To future date myself, my snuck out of my room to see my family watch “Alien” when I was like seven. That was my only nightmare causing movie as a kid I believe