Submitted by SavingsService2138 t3_yhcc79 in movies

When you think of an all time greatest movie of all time, what is the things that make him appear that way?

Is it the general consensus of critics and moviegoers ? The movie itself and what he accomplish in film industry and the public eye? The movie themes, depth, acting, actors, story, the director, his crew?

Because T2 has everything. I don't think its fair to limit it to the action genre. A genre who's not greatly regarded like horror

He has every element to make him a classic. Emotions, grandeur, scale, story leaving a great impact, timeless themes that could resonate even hundreds of years after its release

You realise you take a austrian actor with big muscle, an atrocious accent and who doesn't look bright, make him act as a robot killer who comes from the future and make him of one the most human, depthful , instantly recognasible and unique character ever ? (Arnold is one of the brightest peolpl in Hollywood imo, i'm just speaking of the way he appears for the general audience)

Everything is treated with seriousness, class, tension and heavyness. Yeah its R rated and there's a lot of swearing but so does other classics

When i think of this movie, i always got to think first of the last scene and the interactions between the T-800, Sarah and John. I think its there you finally understood what the movie is about and what it accomplishes, everything that happened in this movie leads to that final moment. You followed those characters, you relate to everything they felt through that movie and when you know the moment you dreaded the entire movie comes, you're left with the same amount of emotions as if you really were there. How many movies leaves you as emotionaly damaged as John ends up being?

I think i could talk about it for hours so i hope you can add more elements. I just hope somebody, Somewhere feels the same as i do

People love it of course but i don't think they realise how bigger that movie needs to be considered



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FallenJusticex t1_iucz70z wrote

Everyone is going to have their own opinions. But I'm pretty sure T2 is already regarded as one of the Best action movies of all time.


PropaneSalesTx t1_iud0ck1 wrote

And its a sequel that is on par or slightly above the original.


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud1752 wrote

Best movies of all time is what im going for, not just action



Because there is no concensus beyond genre, it becomes far too subjective. There are people who just won't consider a sci-fi or fantasy movie an overall GOAT because it isn't realistic. So about the greatest concensus you'll ever reach is that it's a great movie in its genre, and can therefore be considered a greatest movie period by those who most appreciate that genre. I'm sure there are people who consider T2 the greatest movie of all time. There are many movies who can't claim anyone as a fan of that level. But it's not going to be many people's GoaT.


Aggravating-Assist18 t1_iudjtyq wrote

Yes but not everyone likes action so not everyone is going to consider an action/sci-fi movie to be the greatest movie of all time, only action/sci-fi enjoyers will. Apparently Titanic is considered one of the best romances of all time but I won't personally enjoy it because I don't typically like romances


BEE_REAL_ t1_iudmj0y wrote

> Yes but not everyone likes action so not everyone is going to consider an action/sci-fi movie

The 3rd most acclaimed movie of all time is pure sci fi


Sideworths t1_iudldbc wrote

But because it’s not a biopic or period drama it misses out on tags like drama, story, biopic, thriller, mystery, horror Although it has many elements within the movie which make it an accomplished cinematic experience; I doubt most critics and fans could every truly clear the movie out of action sci-Fi territory.. Although to many it is so much more than an Arnie action flick


BEE_REAL_ t1_iudmkos wrote

How many movies that are considered some of the greatest of all time have you seen


super_sayanything t1_iud7ni1 wrote

Because the character development and dialogue are usually up there when it comes to considering the greatest movie of all time. I love T2, it's probably in my top 15 or so. But it's absolutely not the greatest film of all time. I'd say the Matrix is a much better action movie itself.

Objectively and subjectively.


FamiGami t1_iudemuo wrote

No such thing as objectively, but many would agree with your point.


monkelus t1_iucyyr2 wrote

I might be thinking of a different Terminator 2, but isn’t it generally thought to be one of, if not the, greatest action movie of all time?


itjustgotcold t1_iue6mez wrote

I am getting so tired of these posters on this sub that want to start a conversation but have no fucking clue how to do it so they just post blatantly wrong opinions that they pull out of their ass. OP acting like T2 is some unknown gem is just another example. T2 is regularly regarded as one of the best action and sci fi movies ever made. I haven’t looked in a while but I’d bet $100 it’s within the top 100 IMDB movies. Just checked, number 29. Wtf is OP thinking with this goofy post?


MugenWhips t1_iugqt0f wrote

probably some cranks at deep dream having their subroutines try to think about what's the best movie of all time. you can tell from the language syntax our guy here is not a native english speaker, possibly not human? check the pupils.


iDuddits_ t1_iuczxm6 wrote

In the top five for most fans of the genre for sure. Number 1 for me. For a while fury road knocked it out tho hah


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud12hk wrote

I'm talking about movie in general not action in particiular. Read before posting...


monkelus t1_iud1ds7 wrote

I read the post, and it is. I’m not sure why you think your version of ‘the best movies of all time’ top trumps the rest of the worlds opinion, especially when they’re the exact same thing


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud1rbt wrote

Does movie critics think its on par with Gone with the Wind? I don't think so, thats the point


monkelus t1_iud3gzk wrote

You need to paradoxically widen the crotch base you listen to and stop worrying about whether they’ve proclaimed something better than something else


TotesObviThrwawy t1_iud3rat wrote

>You need to paradoxically widen the crotch base you listen to and stop worrying about whether they’ve proclaimed something better than something else

Idk man. If the crotch base is proclaiming something else is better, might be a good time to worry...


monkelus t1_iud3zp5 wrote

Ha! Ooops! I would edit it, but in OP’s case I think it’s still pretty good advice


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud40af wrote

Not before people stop reducing it it to an action movie. I think it disservice it

They're never acclaimed as much as gangsters movie and dramas


monkelus t1_iud5pns wrote

Fair enough dude, this is way more important to you than me. Maybe you should start a letter writing campaign…


itjustgotcold t1_iue6wse wrote

Stfu, goddamn. You’re wrong. Talking down to people telling you you’re wrong just makes you look like a fucking idiot. T2 is sitting at 29 in the best movies of all time on IMDB. No matter how you manipulate measurements it’s highly regarded as one of the best movies ever made. Just take the loss and consider deleting this stupid fucking post.


Gummy_yumyum t1_iud0tph wrote

It can. It is. You didn’t stumble on a hidden gem.


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud1jm6 wrote

I didn't, i just think it deserve so much more


Gummy_yumyum t1_iud1m1g wrote

So much more than acclaim from fans and critics? So much more than billions of dollars?


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud1wan wrote

Acclaim from movie institutions. It deserve a spot with the likes of Lawrence of Arabia and The Godfather


Gummy_yumyum t1_iud1yg1 wrote

Movie institutions?


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud2546 wrote

Like the AFI and uptights critics that can't see past Citizen Kane


Gummy_yumyum t1_iud27zi wrote

Citizen Kane is a better film. I don’t think Jim Cameron is losing sleep at night.


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud2v9l wrote

Is it? I was bored out of my mind watching it

I think King Kong is better and should have the 1st spot. But oh no it got a giant gorilla, film critics can't snort while drinking red wine and see movie like that. It has to be talkie, nothing happens and bore you to death to be worth something


Gummy_yumyum t1_iud3229 wrote

King Kong is a great film that is also universally praised by critics.


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud36jq wrote

Its never brought up like Citizen Kane and the likes


Gummy_yumyum t1_iud390m wrote

It absolutely is. Always has been.


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud3jcm wrote

Never heard it then


Gummy_yumyum t1_iud3nm3 wrote

You mentioned the AFI. They listed it as the 41st best movie of all time.


HexinMS t1_iud5ww7 wrote

Citizen Kane is one of the greats for filmmaking. It did amazing things with the camera that is still being used to this day. It's not something everyone can appreciate. Once I looked into why citizen Kane was good I was able to appreciate it more.

With that being said I would rather watch T2 but there is more to a movie froma critic standpoint then just your general feeling of enjoyment.


fuckswithqwerty t1_iug9kcd wrote

Really not sure what you're talking about. AFI literally recognized it as great.

Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as an inversion of his iconic role from the first film, the Terminator was ranked by AFI among cinema’s greatest screen heroes – its previous incarnation from the earlier film having also landed on the Institute’s list of “heroes & villains,” albeit on the other side. The inexorable machine – taught the nuances of human behavior by Edward Furlong’s teenaged John Connor in the film – also earned a place on AFI’s greatest movie quotes with his climactic “Hasta la vista, baby.” Cameron’s science-fiction masterpiece was executive produced by AFI Trustee Emeritus Gale Anne Hurd.


koberulz_24 t1_iud33bm wrote

OP has a post in the Star Wars sub asking if he's the only one who watches the OT.



SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud3duv wrote

No, just someone who like classic movies and not terrible cash grabs like the prequels


OzymandiasKoK t1_iudnxz0 wrote

While they have a lot of terrible about them, pretending like it was only a cash grab for George is pretty ridiculous.


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iudshah wrote

It was. He wanted to be even richer than he wasand he did but he lacked screen writing and directing talent. If only he listened ti Gary Kurtz we wouldn't have had that clusterfuck of a trilogy


OzymandiasKoK t1_iudxndq wrote

That he no longer had anyone to tell him no doesn't make anything a cash grab. Those are entirely unrelated issues.


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iue0q8v wrote

It can be a cash grab, i don't mind but to be a cash grab and terrible at the same time

He should've had someone who understand Star Wars beside him

When you have everybody on set saying amen to everything Lucas says you get Howard the Duck, the Prequels and Indiana Jones 4

Well the Sequels are terrible and he got nothing to do with it, maybe Star Wars was lightning in a bottle


entheocybe t1_iud6gqz wrote

Lol. The top post in /r/Askreddit right now is asking "What movie is a 10/10?" and one of the top 5 answers is Terminator 2.... People already think its one of the greatest of all time... I dunno what you mean


echopsocky t1_iucyvav wrote

Because it isn't even the best Terminator movie; that goes to the original ever so slightly.


Pszx t1_iuekkdg wrote

I think Terminator to T2 is like Alien to Aliens. Horror/Sci-fi to Action blockbuster.


Corrosive-Knights t1_iuczg5j wrote

You’re getting downvoted but I’m with you.

Prefer the original and no, that’s not a knock against T2 which I also like quite a bit!


echopsocky t1_iucznix wrote

Just being honest but yeah T2 fans will be brutal I'm sure.


MadAl420 t1_iucywam wrote

Probably my favorite movie.


unomachine t1_iuczaap wrote

Regardless of anything else, I think it’s arguably the greatest sequel of all time, and that’s a big deal. Sure, the Empire Strikes Back, The Two Towers, etc. But T2 is my favorite sequel


Mission-Speed-9585 t1_iud2m8l wrote

I can think of of a better action movie even by the same director. Aliens for instance had one of the most intense climax scenes of any movie and then, where most movies would just call it a day, this one threw in a second, even more intense climax scene that completely drained the entire audience


beast_unique t1_iud1chy wrote

I thought it was considered as a classic in sci-fi and action


Kakashi168 t1_iuczd5q wrote

It is, at least from what I heard. It's not for me though.


Comfortable-Cress362 t1_iudjssu wrote

Terminator 2 is the greatest film ever made in my humble opinion. I have seen it hundreds of times, from age 5 to now 35.

When I was a kid, I always cried at the end when he lowers himself into the steel. The thumbs up at the end was etched into my head forever. Growing up in the 90s with movies like this was something else, it can never be replicated.


GeronimoSonjack t1_iudafy0 wrote

First was far better.


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iudbbpj wrote

Both are incredible but T1 lack the scale and the ambition T2 have imo

I think the emotional connection with the andience is not as strong as T2. Everyone can relate to Sarah, John and the T-800. Kyle and Sarah maybe not as much, i would say people are more there for the horror action than the love story. Yet it is a love story with horror action elements


prvhc21 t1_iud0mte wrote

Greatest action movie ? Definitely in the conversation

Greatest movie ? Nah


Snuggle__Monster t1_iud0mxr wrote

Well it's been 30 years since it came out, so in that time other movies have come out that could make the same claim. It still hits several other areas like the greatest sci-fi movie or greatest sequel of all time.


JonWoyzeckKronos t1_iud3e4a wrote

Did I miss a paragraph somewhere? What is the answer? Why can't it be considered one of the greatest movies of all time? I don't get it.


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud3r8m wrote

Because people stuck it as an action, genre, sort of of B movie like the original. Not the timeless classic regardless of genre he should be considered


JonWoyzeckKronos t1_iudm44i wrote

I'm still confused. Do you think that specifying the genre this film belongs to is taking away from the praise this film universally receives?

What kind of boomer-logic have you fallen victim to?

T2 is one of the very best action movies of all time, which also makes it one of the best films of all time. Just because some mummified geezers in some ancient film society don't mention T2 in the same breath as Lawrence of Arabia or Citizen Kane doesn't mean that everyone else has to agree with that view.

PS: I commend you for your position and what you are trying to do, but I think you are going about it all wrong.


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iudrhrl wrote

Maybe i am. I just can't stand people reducing T2 to a simple action movie, i think it undermines it


fart-debris t1_iudg7eu wrote

It can be - just don’t expect everyone to agree with that opinion.


beast_unique t1_iudj1c1 wrote

By the way Terminator 2 is a perfect fathers day movie.


lurchlurk t1_iuenrcy wrote

Well, it is regarded as such, and has been pretty much since its release.


mmmmr1 t1_iuepj37 wrote

I’m sorry but idk where you got the idea that horror is well regarded lmao. Also a lot of people say T2 is one of the greatest so I’m also confused what the point of the post is. It’s a very popular movie


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iuet6g5 wrote

You misread, i said it wasn't. Its the lowest of the low

A very popular action popcorn movie. Never seen anybody call it a timeless classic, maybe with time when AI will kill us all


mmmmr1 t1_iuett23 wrote

I think you’re projecting, again it’s one of the most popular movies ever, of course there are people who say it’s among the best. Idk why you’re acting like T2 is some mistreated victim as if James Cameron isn’t one of the most popular and highly regarded filmmakers in the mainstream. There’s so many incredible films out there obviously people are gonna disagree on what the best is, I wouldn’t put the terminator movies anywhere near my list of greats but i know there’s plenty of people who would


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iueuba5 wrote

You're right, i guess. I hope it will be indisputable with time

I don't understand how anyone could dislike this movie tho. It has everything to be liked

But there's also people that dislike The Breakfast Club, so


nimarama72 t1_iuetoph wrote

It is In my book..👆


Volcano_Tequila t1_iueyxdu wrote

I do wonder whether the poster is expressing a different sentiment than he meant to convey. We all agree T2 is a great movie, and holds up, and is a model for this sort of action film.

Maybe what he means is that when lists of greatest films come out - yes, films, not movies - you won't see T2 on such a list. You might find, say, Lawrence of Arabia on such a list. And he thinks T2 should be right up there with "serious" fare like that. And that can certainly be argued, as action films are conspicuously missing from being treated as film art. It's a guess, as otherwise what he states just does not hold water.


mickeyflinn t1_iuhc6kf wrote

T2 is considered one of the greatest movies of all time.


farseer4 t1_iuigimm wrote

You can consider it whatever you want to consider it. "One of the greatest movies" has no objective meaning. It's purely opinion.

For what it's worth, I love that movie.


YYYdddEW966hgHCE t1_iucz366 wrote

Because Edward furlong was a screeching child. He keeps it from being great.


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud14jy wrote

He's one of the best element on the contrary


YYYdddEW966hgHCE t1_iud1rk0 wrote

His carrier went as expected.


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud20p2 wrote

Like Elliot in ET. He dragged that movie down i guess...


YYYdddEW966hgHCE t1_iud2hd7 wrote

I thought this post was about T2?


[deleted] t1_iud31qc wrote



YYYdddEW966hgHCE t1_iud5yc0 wrote

E.T was made for little kids and Henry Thomas was 10 yrs old. T2 was made for teens and Furlong was 14. Totally different conversation. You should look at imdb. Thomas did a few good movies early on and he still looks healthy. Furlong did nothing of note and has looked like roadkill for as long as I can remember. FYI E.T. was the 💣


No-Tune-868 t1_iuczdy2 wrote

Cos ud have to have seen a decent amount of films thru history to be able to rank films as the best ever made. And if ud seen those, ud realise that T2 isnt that good. It’s not even as good as the original to start with.


FamiGami t1_iudeg60 wrote

Wtf is ud? If you mean you’d, say it. Ud means absolutely nothing at all.


No-Tune-868 t1_iudeljy wrote

It’s an accepted abbreviation. Weirdo.


FamiGami t1_iudf31w wrote

No, it very much isn’t at all.


FamiGami t1_iudhq3c wrote

In all my years on Reddit, you are the ONLY one with spelling this bad. You’re wrong.