Submitted by jaobodam t3_yg4vvp in movies

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good movie, I love Jordan peele as much as the next guy and I LOVE how the ufo is the alien, that really is the aspect that people praise that I agree with the most, but for me is just it a good movie, I don’t see it as his best movie or the greatest horror movie of the year or why is it getting so much praise and acclamation, and yes I get “that’s just people having different opinions, that’s completely normal”, but I feel like I’m missing something here, I looked up at hidden details and themes but still is just a C-B tier movie for me, I’m not complaining about the movie, just trying to understand if I’m missing something here…



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Hiltoyeah t1_iu6w3tq wrote

The problem with it for me is it under delivered. All the way up to the ending it was building up to something and then ... Meh.

I got on the hype train and the destination was an anti climax.


i_make_this_look_bad t1_iu6w9wq wrote

I felt the exact same way, I thought it may have been some cultural cue I was missing or something else. Every person of color in the theater the day I saw it got up talking about how great it was and I didn’t get why.


SaulsAll t1_iu6wf9s wrote

Some people really liked all the different ways he tied the motif of dealing with a wild animal together. There are layers to the ways he expressed that message all through the story, and in the subtle acting cues. People also liked how the creature "explained" a variety of unexplained reports of aerial phenomena through history - from UFOs to angels.

I agree with you (I think) that the movie was good, but not as incredible as some have made it out to be. I would suggest looking up the Reddit megathread if you are interested in how some people really dug down into the symbols and nods.


logicalnoise t1_iu6y4d9 wrote

I liked it for what it was and sadly anyone else I ask didn't see it...


lordvirin94 t1_iu71ql8 wrote

I like the movie because I couldn’t predict what would happen next. I feel many horror movies follow the same pattern. I think NOPE was good because, I didn’t know what to be afraid of.


Lritz_Fang t1_iu73k57 wrote

I honestly think most people just think its decent, it doesn't get the hype and praise that Get Out or Hereditary get. Its a solid movie and the reception reflects that I think


billfitz24 t1_iu786sw wrote

I wasn’t really that impressed either. Decent effects, but the story and characters were just sorta average.


bnr_keynes t1_iu79fat wrote

i though nope was particularly thematically rich, and worked equally well as a popcorn horror flick, an extension of peeles style, and a thoughtful hard scifi movie

i walked out thinking about depression - how all the characters start the story depressed, and its only the ones who treat their depression and trauma (ie jean jacket) with the respect they deserve that make it out alive

my wife, who works in documentary, walked away thinking about how documentary film abuses its subjects and steals their stories

and were both white - im sure people of color who saw the movie picked up on layers i wouldnt have seen

and the movie was fun as hell and beautifully shot to boot

my personal expectations were sky high, and they were met


TeeELaw t1_iu79vx3 wrote

Where do you get that it's "considered so great"? It's sitting at an 82% critic consensus and 69% audience consensus on RT. So that's almost 80 critics who reviewed it unfavorably and at least 1,500 audience members who did the same. There are definitely plenty of people who liked it but apparently quite a few dissenting voices as well.


Huevos___Rancheros t1_iu7avmg wrote

This is my favourite movie of the year so far so I’ll explain the reasons why I enjoyed it as much as I did. I loved the twist that the ufo is actually the alien, I thought that was really creative and the way they handled it was awesome it was almost like jaws but in the sky. I also really liked how Jordan Peele used the main theme of spectacle as an “umbrella” to fit all of these other themes into the movie, I thought it was extremely well done and it left me with a lot to think about for weeks after watching the movie. And I just found it to be really entertaining, ik some people say it’s slow or boring but I just didn’t have those problems with it. I was hooked to the screen from minute one and I stayed that way till the credits rolled. I can just turn my brain off and just enjoy the visual spectacle Jordan peele cooked up or I can analyze the deeper meanings behind the things I’m watching, which is a quality a lot of my favourite movies have, so everything about this movie just worked for me.


LordBrosiah t1_iu7cozm wrote

Bruh. I watched Nope for the first time while on edibles and it was WILD! Especially the last 10 minutes and the scene with the 3 "aliens."


irate_ambassador t1_iu7eomp wrote

It was a hard “meh” for me. I think JP has the goods but this one didn’t work for me. Except for the scene with the chimp and the little boy under the table.


No-Tune-868 t1_iu7ft83 wrote

Me too. All JP’s films suck.


TheBigCatfish t1_iu7qde4 wrote

It's not a great movie. It's not very scary nor horrific.


Jerrymoviefan3 t1_iu7ur88 wrote

Is Nope’s 77 Metacritic score which makes it the 91st best movie of the year great? I think not since it seems like you would need to make the top 25 which would require an 85 score. Nobody considers it great so you seem totally wrong about that.


thesanmich t1_iu7vaxe wrote

Never got the feeling this film was considered great enough to be overrated.


TareXmd t1_iu82p88 wrote

It's easily the weakest of Peele's three movies.


noyedidnae t1_iu89a92 wrote

All the comments that didn't like the movie are heavily downvoted, y'all some JP bitches in here


AfternoonCouncilor t1_iu8j4gc wrote

Keke Palmer's "MCU humour" ruined it for me. Over the top shite


Ccaves0127 t1_iub42qk wrote

If you're the type of person that has to "look up hidden details and themes" I can see why you didn't think it was a great movie. It's a great movie.


alwaystheping t1_iub8whh wrote

Below average troll film at best, went all 1000iq and then couldnt meet its own hype.

but you must like and applaud or you raycist
