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darthpothos t1_iubznz7 wrote

All I can think of is Over Her Dead Body, which is definitely not a quality movie I’d recommend.


AJChelett t1_iuc0fy9 wrote

Probably the most famous "He was dead the whole time" plot twist is from the Sixth Sense


gtdreddit t1_iuc0yzf wrote

Not mentioned yet:

  1. Archive
  2. Vanilla Sky
  3. Source Code

Although technically, the protagonists in each are not completely dead, yet. (But since someone mentioned Jacob's Latter, I thought these should be included too.)


gtdreddit t1_iuc2el5 wrote

For comedy, that's tough. But Soul by Pixar may fit?

It's a comedy, but the protagonist for some noticeable amount if time does not realize or is in denial of his death. His acceptance of his fate is in the first third of the movie and not at the end like Sixth Sense or the other movies mentioned here.

Death is ever present in Soul, but story is about how to live.


vVWARLOCKVv t1_iuc5q30 wrote

Maybe not exactly what you want, but try

Meet Joe Black (1998)

A decent flick in which Death takes a few days off to find out what it's like to be human.


grinr t1_iucqovj wrote

Warm bodies. A zombie romance!


ZorroMeansFox t1_iugwu77 wrote

For a different approach, I'll mention Dead Again and Angel Heart