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stavis23 t1_iu3ir4r wrote

Yea you get a lot of “the monolith is the movie screen” kinda stuff and yea I guess that works. Sexual metaphors also abound, the Discovery 1 which is dick shaped shoots a little Bowman sperm into a blackhole and is born again some glowing baby.

Anyway I watched Solaris while afraid and on mushrooms to the point where the movie was my anchor to reality, and many scenes i’ll never forget, like the leaf floating in the water and zoom in on streaming grass also in the water, the zoom in on that black hole, when the boy and the older dude are driving in the car on the highway.

Something about Tarkovsky’s scenes pull you into them, it’s a visual experience but very different from Kubrick’s kind of visuals. I’ll agree it is slow but if you’re afraid and on mushrooms it can save you from the chaos of your own mind.