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kecskebaszomenekult OP t1_iuff2gi wrote

No it doesn't. I just hate when wokeism is pushed. This is not how you make strong female heroes. Ripley from aliens..that's how you make strong female. No theatrics, no bullshit Aaaaaa ( classic worship hero song in background), no " men won't know what it is" , " men won't but she will". No. They push it too hard. When you push it hard you go full retard. That's not how you introduce diversity. Look at Vikings. Historically, there were no black jarls..I'm fact, the darker your color was the lowlyer you were because dark color ment you work outside in the sun. Nobles were white, because they worked inside. And yet Hollywood decided to make a jarl black. That's not diversity, that's butchering and murdering a thousand year old culture for the sake of diversity. That's not how you diversity. They do it just for the sake of it and I'm absolutely against it. Do it tastefully.


Alive_Ice7937 t1_iuffv9r wrote

Jesus Christ dude.

Seriously. Seek professional help.


kecskebaszomenekult OP t1_iufg5mi wrote

No, you who all accept this and think it's normal should seek a history teacher and learn appropriate multiculturalism, not forced woke bs.


Alive_Ice7937 t1_iufll00 wrote

You like Braveheart?


kecskebaszomenekult OP t1_iuflo9t wrote

Like hewy Luis and the news?


Alive_Ice7937 t1_iufmeb4 wrote

So you don't like Braveheart?


kecskebaszomenekult OP t1_iufmtrd wrote

I like pussy and heavy metal, son.


Alive_Ice7937 t1_iufnai6 wrote

>I like pussy

You've got a pretty heavy narcissistic vibe going alright.

Also since you're avoiding my question, (in a pathetically unfunny attempt at humor), I assume you already know how full of shit you are when you claim to care about historical accuracy.


kecskebaszomenekult OP t1_iufnln8 wrote

Yeah, I'm based and in proud of it. Historically speaking, women were almost never involved in battle. Fuck off with the bullshit modern wokepunkfeminist historical fiction


Alive_Ice7937 t1_iufo984 wrote

>Yeah, I'm based and in proud of it.

Jesus dude. Save some pussy for the rest of us.


kecskebaszomenekult OP t1_iufq2ml wrote

We have plenty of pussy, real pussy in the Hungarian Empire. ( No trans or gays). The thing is, Hungarian possey is based too. And 95% is against race mixing so unless you're one of us, you won't get possey. We have standards here, fella.


Dismal_Photo_1372 t1_iug12xt wrote

I am a history teacher. It was people like you that killed Jews. You're not the good guy here.


RedTemplar22 t1_iufi0ql wrote

Damn ancient Greeks were woke liberals

You learn something every day


kecskebaszomenekult OP t1_iufii7z wrote

The fact that you all don't even comprehend their meaning behind the scenes and characters speak miles about society today. You are already victims of the system. No, not victims. You all are here freely. You are your own stupidities slaves.

I never do edits but what the fuck man? Ancient Greeks being liberals? You take this movie to a historical reflection?

The movie is pushing liberal woke/ feminist propaganda to ancient Greek culture among others.


RedTemplar22 t1_iuh2gsh wrote

Kay bro try to not choke on all the red pills you take