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rocknroll500 OP t1_ixtptaf wrote

Yeah, I’m only referring to the shooting at the guys part. I obviously know that the having sex with a bunch of girls is real


politeshots t1_ixuwi62 wrote

They didn't even shoot at them in the movie.. They only pulled and aimed at them


rocknroll500 OP t1_ixv4uip wrote

Didn’t they shoot at them? Pretty sure I heard gun shots but I mean it’s not that important I guess.

Lol who downvoted me I just can’t remember a scene?


politeshots t1_ixv6lb2 wrote

No. They pulled guns from under the bed and chased them down the hall. No shots.


rocknroll500 OP t1_ixxizc6 wrote

Oh huh I completely misremembered the scene I just re-watched it and you’re totally right. It’s like I made it up my head so confused lol I thought I was certain there were gunshots. so funny but you’re right