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BlackHoleHalibut t1_iy1i256 wrote

Dancer in the Dark

It was brilliant, but it made me so sad.


jandersenMUC t1_iy1i5ow wrote

Intolerance from DW Griffith. Amazing film. But once is plenty.


Public_Dig_8992 t1_iy1i81t wrote

So you don’t like long movies? Maybe you should just branch out more and expand your attention span


RandomStranger79 t1_iy1j3iu wrote

I'm a huge fan of bleak dramas and most of them I'll probably never watch again. Dead Man's Letters, Angst, most Michael Haneke films, that kind of thing.


MandoRodgers t1_iy1jd5j wrote

Joker. I really really liked it as a film. But I don’t wanna feel the way it made me feel again


Typical_Humanoid t1_iy1jr2w wrote

Things like Schindler's List or A Clockwork Orange or Barefoot Gen that would be too traumatic.

But mostly I don't get this. I don't think I can really say I enjoyed a film if it gets a "never again" out of me, barring the stated reason.


gayfrog68 t1_iy1ju3h wrote

Grave of the Fireflies.

I bought the collectors edition even though I will never watch it again. The movie rips out your heart and screws it in backwards.


can425 t1_iy1k3vv wrote

The Game with Michael Douglas. You can only experience that ending once.


red94daman t1_iy1kpb0 wrote

Oddly, it’s my favorite movie: T2


1PersonBookClub t1_iy1l0s7 wrote

A Ghost Story & Elephant both burrowed into my brain, and I will never watch either again.

The Hateful Eight is not re-watchable.

Most biopics are good for just one viewing.


Michael_G_Bordin t1_iy1mgqu wrote

The Lighthouse (2019) is one of the best movies I watched recently. I'm never watching it again though. It's a great film, but it's also extremely unsettling. It was entertaining and quite well done, but I don't think I want to sit through that again.


MarilynManson2003 t1_iy1mxzo wrote


The Shawshank Redemption

Fight Club

The King Of Comedy

Reservoir Dogs


Dazzling-Bear3942 t1_iy1npe5 wrote

Henry: Portrait of a serial killer. I'd argue it's a great movie and should be seen.... but there is no way I would ever subject myself to it again.


Thetimmybaby t1_iy1nsmu wrote

Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father


crudedrawer t1_iy1o1op wrote

I rarely rewatch movies so... most of them?


FSchmertz t1_iy1qpqs wrote

Hotel Rwanda

Once is enough, can't do that again


NonuTheGOAT t1_iy1sueb wrote

Phew, I forgot all about this movie! My first Don Cheadle flick. The bit where he gets out of the car and can't walk without standing on a body... spine-chilling movie. Definitely a one and done.


NonuTheGOAT t1_iy1t3i3 wrote

Because it's one of the most successful movies ever and also is kind of safe - bit of artful nudity and offscreen sex but otherwise a family-friendly romance/tragedy that gets eyeballs when nothing else is on.


NonuTheGOAT t1_iy1tc9g wrote

Ugh. The Hateful Eight, you’re too right. It wasn't a good enough film to justify being so horrifically violent IMO. No other movie has ever made me feel sick afterwards.

I want to watch it again to see if I enjoy it more on the second go (like many Tarantino films) but I just can't.


unfinished_bus t1_iy1w2z7 wrote

Enter the Void

Super interesting but disorienting in a way that I don’t need to revisit.


HoselRockit t1_iy1y9nw wrote

I have to chuckle that you called out Seven Samurai. I it saw years ago and recently recorded it off TCM, but have yet to get around to watching it because it’s so long.

I saw a Platoon once and purposely have never watched it again. It was pretty intense and made quite the impact, but I fear that if I watch it again I’ll be desensitized to everything that’s going on and it will lose its impact


riegspsych325 t1_iy1yxdr wrote

Christine (2016) I knew of the real tragedy of Christine Chubbuck's final days, but the tension in that movie's final act was something else. Rebecca Hall gave such a powerful, haunting performance that was just gut-wrenching by the end. She deserves so much more praise

EDIT: grammar