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TheRealProtozoid t1_iyafqql wrote

This seems to hit comedies particularly hard. Ghostbusters used to be my favorite movie, and now I don't even think it's very funny. Some good jokes, sure, but now it feels kind of lazy and I don't think the casual misogyny comes across as self-aware as they think it does. In fact, I'm not sure if it's self-aware of that at all, or people just make that excuse for it today.

Same with Back to the Future. I feel like the sexualization of Lea Thompson's character is pretty gross today. First of all, her character is a minor for most of the runtime. She's given zero agency. And then there's the image of her being sexually assaulted in the backseat of a car and... is that being played for laughs?! Also the stuff about Chuck Berry getting his music from a white boy does not work today at all. I think Back to the Future works because of a very charming cast and a terrific musical score, but the movie itself is kind of a turd.