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LiberLilith OP t1_ixelxwz wrote

>I think the arcade thing was real but the Peyton thing was just him being playful, because they both know it isn't true.

Yeah, I can see that. I guess I've always viewed it from a slightly different angle, where misdirection is his motivation.

>The sugar scene is just to push forward the plot point where she realizes he's been stalling in that barn or whatever it is

I have no problem with it on its own, it was more to do with it immediately following the whole misdirection scene with the middle name conversation. I can now see there's a different intention in that dialogue, so the following scenes flow better.


PrecisionHat t1_ixesz9t wrote

If you really stop and think about it, the whole idea of her being so reticent to share her past or get to know Cage is kind of nonsensical. I get that she is trying to spare him pain, but it's not like she is going to remember and he can't help but feel something for her no matter how little she chooses to share.


LiberLilith OP t1_ixeu797 wrote

Yes, that's a tough one. I think it's more empathy from her side, given that she once fell in love with Hendrix (or at least that's implied). I guess she wants to save him from that pain, especially as she'll be the one experiencing a stranger falling in love with her. She can only ever know him for a matter of hours or days, whereas Cage has known her (or at least been around her) for many possible lifetimes.