Submitted by The-Real-Pai-Mei t3_z4p2c4 in movies

I love the idea of invasions and stuff like that. Virus movies or zombies. Anything where humans are threatened. I had always heard about this movie but never watched it. I’m not a Tom Cruise fan anyway but I figured I’d give it a try. I feel like he’s a spot under the DiCaprio’s,Johnny Depps, and Brad Pitts, and Matt Damons.

With all that being said….one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen in my entire life. First of all the daughter is the worst character I’ve seen in a movie or tv show. She was screaming constantly man and it made me wonder why they even casted her in the movie. The son was ridiculous. Had a death wish just tryna help people. He is in a HUGE explosion radius but somehow miraculously is at the house waiting on the dad in the end of the movie. Tom Cruise with some crazy grenade plan that blows up the alien from inside. GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE. Not a single character in this movie I liked. Was routing for aliens.

Then as if all this wasn’t bad enough these unstoppable aliens who have been planning this here for thousands of years? Millions of years? Are still somehow outsmarted by regular old nature because they didn’t build up immunity and of course humans come out on top. If weapons couldn’t get past the force field then how did birds? And even if they were weakened by no immunity they would not just die off over the course of a couple days.

I can not stand when movies always have this feel good ending man. Humans are always so smart and just can’t be beat. I would love if the movie ended with the aliens just trampling over everything and everyone. Movie over. Only good thing about this movie was the original idea itself.

Score : 3-10.



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canadianstringer t1_ixs0r14 wrote

Ever hear of an author named H. G Wells? Lived a while back.


The-Real-Pai-Mei OP t1_ixs2bxr wrote

What’s that mean?


TheCarrier89 t1_ixs33rz wrote

War of the worlds is an old story written by H. G. Wells. The movie is an adaptation of that story. If you don’t like the ending, take it up with Wells, not Spielberg.


Frankie6Strings t1_ixs3qbf wrote

Yeah. Of all possible complaints, I didn't expect to see that one.


Camp_Coffee t1_ixt1kkj wrote

Honestly, I really appreciate how pure Spielberg kept to H.G. Wells' original vision. The unflappable lack of deviation from the source materials from beginning to end is astonishing when it would have been so easy to modernize the story for contemporary palettes.


BobbyTables829 t1_ixs42l0 wrote

Fun fact: the radio version of this was so intense and real to those at home listening, some people started panicking, looking outside to confirm, and trying to get ahold of their neighbors and the police. Most horror writers dream of having that reaction from their work lol


cerberaspeedtwelve t1_ixs490m wrote

For me, the problem was that the movie had already been made less than ten years previously, and was called Independence Day. War of the Worlds knew it would have to go in a radically different direction to bring something new to the table, so it focuses on one family.

This is a problem because it almost feels like the alien invasion and eventual defeat is a subplot compared to divorced dad Ray Ferrier (Cruise) trying to reconnect with his wayward children. For the record, I quite liked Tom Cruise in this, and he's believable as a person with flaws: we can say why his marriage didn't work out. I didn't even mind his brats that much - they're complete basket cases, like a lot of kids are in real life. The only thing that let the movie down was its tendency to pull its punches at the last minute. (That's a longwinded and fancy way of saying they should have >!let the brother character die.!< It would be a much better and darker movie if Spielberg had the balls to follow through with that one.)


Equal_Feature_9065 t1_ixs9g3p wrote

> This is a problem because it almost feels like the alien invasion and eventual defeat is a subplot compared to divorced dad Ray Ferrier (Cruise) trying to reconnect with his wayward children.

Ummmm…. Have you seen a Steven Spielberg movie before?


The-Real-Pai-Mei OP t1_ixs4efn wrote

Now let me know…is Independence Day worth watching? Do not set me up for this 2 hour commitment if it’s trash lol.


PerendiaEshte t1_ixs645y wrote

If you don't like this one, you won't like that one.


JustUseTheWordMmmkay t1_ixs7rpo wrote

Independence Day and WOTW aren’t even remotely similar other than Aliens. It’s like saying you won’t like There will be blood if you don’t like Pride and Prejudice.


PerendiaEshte t1_ixs92ix wrote

Why are you arguing with me? Don't post at me. Try to give the other guy a reason to watch the movie.


KingGojira t1_ixsaffh wrote

Previous poster is absolutely correct. Besides a hostile alien invasion where the invaders almost succeed, the two movies have NOTHING in common.

OP, Independence Day is a loud and proud bombastic, pro-awesome, pro-'Murica explosion fest. Its dumb in a fun way, and most likely worth your time.


Camp_Coffee t1_ixt1qf7 wrote

You gave bad advice. It's up to the community to correct that advice.


I_Keep_Trying t1_ixuusfc wrote

Independence Day is a must watch. Great cast, lots of action, some comic relief, good special effects. Lots better than WOTW.


feral_philosopher t1_ixs8mrx wrote

Well, to be fair, this is an old story, it was told over 100 years ago! (1800's!) when ideas of immunity were new to the general public. There is actually a very interesting story behind the original RADIO broadcast of this story that you should look into. Now as for the daughter, she was actually a great little actress, and I think having her freaking out and screaming would actually be quite accurate for a little kid in such a scenario! They are so vulnerable and useless, all they can do is scream, run, and hide! And she did all three! The son is angry and rebellious, totally natural. He wants to fight because his options are either be at the will of his estranged father, or defend his country, which is a much more noble cause. As for the birds, it's not that they could do something weapons couldn't, it's that they indicated that the impenetrable shields were down, when everyone assumed they remained, which informed the military that their primitive weapons would work against the aliens now. For me, the most improbable element of the story is that the aliens weren't aware of germ theory, but again, since the story is so old, at the time of it's writing, most people weren't aware of germ theory! It's the same issue with the movie Independence Day. Back then, the idea of "computer viruses" was new, so the audience was learning about this just as the aliens were. At the time the idea made total sense, it's as if the aliens and the humans at that time are in the exact same paradox, even though the aliens have superior technology. In both stories, it's as of the aliens are providing an alternate perspective on a perceived disadvantage facing humans. It's as if to shift our frame of reference so that we see a disadvantage as an advantage.


NieTyINieJa t1_ixsf810 wrote

This. People keep saying how the daughter was "annoying and screaming" during the whole movie, but, I mean, she was like 10 and there was so much terrifying stuff happening around her! How would they react if they were kids and stood in her place? I bet they would shit their pants at least.


TehNoobDaddy t1_ixt4yb8 wrote

Well said. Think my gripe with the film/story was that the alien ships or aliens themselves were already on earth and had been for hundreds/thousands of years waiting to attack. Why wait until humanity had the tech to defeat them? (I know bacteria ultimately was the thing that won it). Why not just wipe us out initially? I haven't seen the film for years so probably forgotten some details that may have explained.


TheJezster t1_ixs5vi8 wrote

It should have been based in Britain where it was written about originally.

When the radio play came out, many people thought it was real and panicked, calling the police etc

The Jeff waynes soundtrack is brilliant. Have a listen if you've not heard it before


AdvancedDay7854 t1_ixt3sli wrote

For me it was getting to see alien female boobs. Seared into my retinas.


[deleted] t1_ixvvwlt wrote

You know the movie wasn’t an original idea right? Like you have heard this story and the radio drama etc.?


Beluga_hecker t1_ixw4rna wrote

tom cruise is definitely the biggest and most marketable actor currently


Liftin-Larry-92 t1_ixs0ws3 wrote

This movie has been discussed to death in this Reddit sub LOL.

But yeah, the movie does have it's flaws. The kids were just damn annoying. Cruise is always suspect for over-acting but I think he definitely shows it here. Sadly, it seems like Spielberg is phoning it in as a director. He's the biggest disappointment about the film.
