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JustAMan1234567 t1_iy1axqm wrote

"KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!" remains an all time great movie line though.


horsey66 t1_iy1dweg wrote

Why do you say this when you know I will kill you for it?


Im_scared_of_my_wife OP t1_iy1b3xn wrote

Oh for sure. The guy that played Zod was very good. I would say both actors who played zod in both Superman films did amazing.


Notchibald_Johnson t1_iy1bo4t wrote

I won't stand for this.


LatkaGravas t1_iy1dj32 wrote

> Superman II (1980) is ridiculous

You misspelled "awesome."


Camp_Coffee t1_iy1ipzf wrote

Awesome II (1980) was pretty ridiculous though


LatkaGravas t1_iy1mvuc wrote

As opposed to what? These are comic book superheros. It's ALL made up and ridiculous. That's the point. Everything OP mentioned was made up... just like everything in the comic books, even the characters themselves, most of which are mutants or aliens, Batman notwithstanding.

Superman and Superman II have better written (and better acted) characters than most superhero movies, I'd say.


lowfreq33 t1_iy1akvn wrote

I think there’s a documentary about the making of it with a lot of interviews about how much studio interference there was. There’s also The Donner Cut, which is definitely worth watching. That version makes a lot more sense.


MovieMike007 t1_iy1c7nm wrote

> Superman gets his ass kicked by a trucker after willingly loses his powers and decides to use Zod as an excuse to get them back with zero character growth.

I love this movie but that moment of pettiness is so out of character for Superman.


Maddie215 t1_iy1ckl8 wrote

Superman III is even worse


Im_scared_of_my_wife OP t1_iy1cvcd wrote

It’s on atm. A guy almost drowned in his car after driving over a fire hydrant.


Bodymaster t1_iy1dsfe wrote

The montage of Superman being an asshole is brilliant. Fixing the Leaning Tower of Pisa, then leaning it over again just to fuck with that one guy.


flipped_normal t1_iy1efwz wrote

I went to Niagra Falls a couple months ago and found the exact spot that the kid was hanging from the railing before falling down into the falls. This adds nothing to the discussion but I was too excited to not share it whenever appropriate (my wife and kids didn't care).


Im_scared_of_my_wife OP t1_iy1eknm wrote

Thank you! I was curious if this was real. Based on what I’ve seen on the internet I am assuming a kid is dumb enough to do what this one did in the film.


flipped_normal t1_iy1fla2 wrote

Yeah stuff like that definitely happens unfortunately. I always wondered how they shot it. Turns out it was some clever framing and there's a pretty big ledge and patch of grass right below that portion of the rail about, 10' away from it being a sheer drop. Add in a couple of dodgy optical composites of the kid actually falling and baby you've got a stew going


GanjaGuy_ t1_iy1c73e wrote

You make very good points. Please don’t watch any after 2. You’ll never stop writing about those faults. And yes, the Donner cut is a little better.


fuckeh t1_iy1excb wrote

Is 3 the one where they throw nukes into the sun and make a new baddie? Even when I was like 6 that movie was just too stupid, I had to get back to ninja turtles and ghostbusters to cleanse my palate


unbibium t1_iy1fko6 wrote

don't worry; that's 4.

3's the one with Richard Pryor and the supercomputer.


fuckeh t1_iy1gab2 wrote

I just looked it up. Wow. Such a shit movie. I know I watched part of it but I think even as a Superman obsessed little kid I actually turned it off..


unbibium t1_iy3wrrd wrote

I actually don't remember any details about it except that Richard Pryor was in it, the supercomputer's plans were on very colorful paper, and the plot point about transferring fractions of a penny was referenced directly in the movie Office Space.

I remember much more about 4 somehow because I actually saw it in theaters. listing everything I remember would take too long, provide no insight for anyone, and result in no clout for me, but yeah it's at least as nonsensical as the other three.


the_spongmonkey t1_iy1fl7c wrote

That might be IV?

3 has some pure nightmare fuel with the lady that gets turned into a robot.


fuckeh t1_iy1fy98 wrote

I think I somehow missed 3. I’ve seen 2 like 10 times though, always loved Zod

Edit: just looked it up. Wow I wiped that from my memories. Totally forgot Pryor was in a terrible Superman movie. I think I actually turned that off even as a little kid who loved Superman


Im_scared_of_my_wife OP t1_iy1h9i2 wrote

3 is the one where he becomes a dickhead and fights his evil self when they split, while also having a side story of "Brewsters Millions X Hackers"


stumpdawg t1_iy1bep8 wrote

>Even though Lex Luthor is the "Smartest criminal mastermind the world has ever seen", Superman can outsmart him. Either hes lucky or actually smart.

Superman is actually incredibly intelligent. You need a fast processor to handle the speed he's capable of


Prauphet t1_iy1e1lf wrote

>> apparently all you need to perform time travel is get the earth to spin backwards a few times and then restart the spin to get time going correctly again.

That's not what happened. This is how the director choose to visualize time travel from Supermans POV. Superman did not make the globe spin backwards, but while traveling back through time the globe would appear that way to Superman, and to us since it was filmed from Supes POV.

I feel it was a poor choice by the director who was trying to make time travel feel epic.


Im_scared_of_my_wife OP t1_iy1eybn wrote

In my head canon if the earth spins the opposite direction that means time travel. It was that way when I was 5, it’s this way at 38.


Homelessnomore t1_iy1e39a wrote

It's comic book Superman and villains. They have whatever powers the writers want with no consideration for plot or the implications of the powers.


OtakuTacos t1_iy1fizu wrote

I didn’t think he was turning the Earth backwards, but he himself was traveling back in time and the Earth Turing backwards was from his perspective, like watching a clock face turn backwards if you were going back in time or sped up if going forward.

But seriously, Superman takes revenge by going out of his way to pick a fight with trucker, who probably busted his hand, and then crashed the guy into a pinball machine. All he was doing was eating his “garbage,” and Clark comes in and starts some shit out of revenge. On the Kent farm, Pa Kent taught Clark that, “with great power come the great responsibility to kick the ass of those that embarrassed you regardless of consequences.”


The_Stank__ t1_iy1fr14 wrote

You think II is bad? Let me introduce to Superman III and Superman IV


black_flag_4ever t1_iy1fx69 wrote

Christopher Reeve will always be the best Superman.


Im_scared_of_my_wife OP t1_iy1gwkk wrote

I think his portrayal as Clark Kent is what really does it. Hes naturally unsure of himself, clumsy, and the exact opposite of Superman. The glasses add to the disguise, but in reality his whole personality is the disguise. I can see how Cavill took some notes when he had his superman interpretation.


roraima_is_very_tall t1_iy1ghb4 wrote

some of this, like flying super-fast to change the rotation of the earth and magically spin back time, is arguably an homage to superman golden-age plots. But yeah no argument about superman II, it was pretty out there.


Neat-Plantain-7500 t1_iy1gq5b wrote

Superman was better when he could leap over tall buildings. Not fly


SilverKry t1_iy1gx0b wrote

You may hate Superman 3 but if you continue on to 4 you'll appreciate 3 as being rather ok in comparison to how absolute dog shit Quest 4 Peace is.


Im_scared_of_my_wife OP t1_iy1ho06 wrote

I remember 4 being where an evil clone of superman is made when hair is taken and nuked into the sun.


RandomGuyWithStick t1_iy1il10 wrote

What I want to know is how Superman got back to Metropolis from the Fortress of Solitude without his powers


Im_scared_of_my_wife OP t1_iy1j0bz wrote

Well he obviously walked without cold weather gear, food, or water something like 5000 miles. Its fine.


Tradman86 t1_iy1it2g wrote

Three words: Richard Donner cut.


PolaSketch t1_iy1j0ue wrote

The scene at the end where Superman kneels and takes/crushes Zod's hand was the best scene in cinema history to 6-year-old me. Nowadays it's top 10.


tvgirl48 t1_iy1j2vw wrote

These are the kinds of posts I want out of my subs! I love rants like this way more than the endless "first pic from upcoming movie!" type posts.

Anyway, thanks for the laugh!


LaCalavera1971 t1_iy1kkc6 wrote

Superman 3 isn’t as bad as everyone thinks. Pretty fuckin close but it has tones of great moments, the main one being Superman vs himself in the junkyard. When he opens his shirt and it’s the bright blue and red and yellow, that part RULES


80schld t1_iy1kroo wrote

Wait till you see Richard Pryor skiing off a skyscraper and surviving… or his supercomputer transforming the bad guys sister into a robot… I actually prefer part III over II (never bought Margot Kidder as a Superman love interest and there was too much lovey dovey in part II) because of Pryor and its weirdness. Part IV is just plain nuts.


Im_scared_of_my_wife OP t1_iy1l0u4 wrote

I just past that scene about 10 mins ago. I was unaware that there were other super powered people in this universe.


DarrenEdwards t1_iy1nyzo wrote

Superman III where they spend the special effects budget on Richard Pryor so they make him narrate the cool magical things he can do.


damienkarras1973 t1_iy1i1f7 wrote

I actually prefer the "Donner Cut" of superman 2 regardless of the re used ending. The intention was to always use the world spinning backwards for the 2nd movie.

I much prefer him getting rid of nukes into space causing the zone to crack and break rather than the entirely NEW PARIS intro with the terrorists they came up

I always hated the cheesy oops I tripped and feel and my glasses fell off, for losi finding out he was superman to the AWESOME and SMART way they did it for the donner cut.

there is no plastic wrap superman logo silliness in the donner cut lol

Luthor wasn't full familiar with all the crystals and the machine or how it worked so in that regard it wasn't exactly hard to use it to his advtantage since he had all kinds of time to prepare before they found his fortress lol


oasisraider t1_iy1m3h5 wrote

As already mentioned if you are a Superman fan you have to watch The Donner Cut. It has alot of history ( not a typical director cut) the movie is still not perfect it gives a better view of what the movie should have been. Biggest criminal change is Superman doesn't ask Zod to "step outside". And if you watch forgive the ending, they hadn't quite worked it out yet. Plus it has Marlon Brando which works sooo much better.