Submitted by Melk-boy t3_z09tf8 in movies

The Rock. I know he’s not known for “good” movies but he can entertain. He’s pretty typecast at this point but what do you guys think? What’s your favorite film he’s in? Or favorite character he plays? I’m going with a sleeper choice here. I love Rampage. There is a weird shift about halfway through though where he quits acting and just is the rock again and that kind of is annoying. But i think the visuals, the cast and supporting cast are all really good in this. For being a video game adaption is was a lot of fun too. It even tugged at my heart strings a little bit. Again this is not an Oscar worthy movie or performance but I really like this one. Let’s hear yours!



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kinyutaka t1_ix4b3b5 wrote

The Scorpion King

It was hokey and cheesy and perfect.


divesh_sam t1_ix4b6pj wrote

I loved him in Central Intelligence and the Jumanji films. Hobbs & Shaw was entertaining as well.


wilsonw t1_ix4b92q wrote

I really liked his performance in Pain and Gain.


Kakashi168 t1_ix4bee8 wrote

Fast 5 and Furious 7.

But if we only count movies where he's the main character then it's the 2017 Jumanji movie.

Oh and if we count cameos it's The Mummy Returns lol.


rhyd1978 t1_ix4behg wrote

Walking tall and skyscraper


jmsturm t1_ix4buwz wrote

The Rundown, and its not even a discussion


0olon_Colluphid t1_ix4c7c5 wrote

I like the one where Sean Connery has to break out of him


SoullessDad t1_ix4c8ug wrote

Moana, if we’re including voice acting roles


ApplicationNo2506 t1_ix4cbf9 wrote

Pain and gain and maybe faster. Faster was hard as nails


Badwolf_131 t1_ix4ccmq wrote

The Rundown was a great one. Walken as the antagonist and Sean William Scott as the supporting made that film so fucking hilarious. Walking Tall is a fun second.


Kavalkasutajanimi t1_ix4ce4u wrote

The Rundown aka welcome to the jungle. Its basically the only film in the beginning of his career that had a positive score in RT until he played on other guys and ff franchise but he was not headlining them.

It had good stunts and humor if only rest of his movies were more like this.


Melk-boy OP t1_ix4cju1 wrote

I’d also like to throw out Be Cool. The movie is good but his character and acting are great in that


TheBlackSwarm t1_ix4cld4 wrote

Snitch or Pain and Gain he actually acts in those movies and isn’t just playing a version of himself.


Arielwint12 t1_ix4cn4h wrote

Hes had pledty of good movies... Gridiron gang is also up there, let's see you act better op... 😑


Crazy_Squash5394 t1_ix4ctga wrote

Fast 5 version of Hobbs. He actually put a little effort into it instead of just doing Rock stuff. Also thought he did a good job in Gridiron Gang.


jayeddy99 t1_ix4czg4 wrote

I liked fast five a lot tho he was supporting I enjoyed him in it and he actually was somewhat the antagonist.


After_Hovercraft7822 t1_ix4d0jp wrote

I really liked him in Central Intelligence and am bummed that that franchise sort of stalled out in development hell on the sequel. I think Rock really shines when his character subverts his appearance. Jumanji as well, for the same reasons.

However, my favorite Dwayne Johnson role is Elliot in Be Cool.

It’s one of his earlier roles, but he plays a gay man who came to Hollywood to be an actor and ended up being a strong arm for Vince Vaughn’s character. The character has a ton of personality and I think Rock rarely gets roles that shine like that anymore.


Melk-boy OP t1_ix4d934 wrote

I Watch every film he’s in. Including Baywatch. Been a fan since WWF days. Would never claim to be a better actor and would never say he’s bad. That’s the opinion of a lot of people. He’s shown in plenty of movies that he can act


ColonyCollapse81 t1_ix4dg1b wrote

Pain and gain

Although I thought he was very funny in central intelligence aswell


MightyJoeYoung1313 t1_ix4dida wrote

Favorite movie he is in: Doom Favorite role he has done: Black Adam


Blade_Trinity3 t1_ix4dm3z wrote

I think if you count his voice work, Moana is quite good.


The_SenateP t1_ix4dpty wrote

I saw some people saw Rundown or Rampage but for me personally it's Snitch


Melk-boy OP t1_ix4eeft wrote

Has anybody here seen Staten Island with him and Liam Hemsworth??


SkeletonLad t1_ix4ei7e wrote

This is what I came to post. The final scene when he poisons his boss and then his head balloons nearly killed me with laughter. The scene with Arnold passing the torch was iconic.


Boogyman0202 t1_ix4eny4 wrote

I love the rock, but if you've seen one of his movies you've seen them all.


BrownBananaDK t1_ix4fzap wrote

  1. Moana.
  2. The rundown.
  3. Faster
  4. Walking tall.
  5. Jumanji

I think that’s my list


damienkarras1973 t1_ix4hvg3 wrote

I actually enjoyed the hobbs from Hobbs and Shaw (more) cause it had way more humor, and at times it really seemed like him and and jason were having fun hamming it up.

Movie was dam decent until they got to the dam island.

one night i'm flippin thru channels nothing on, and run across "The Tooth Fairy". okay yeah its a made for kids movie, but the sheer fact of making a foll of himself (the character) was fun to watch. As cheesy and corny as it was i got a few laughs out of it. You have to give Dwayne Johnson credit he DOES have great comedic timing (when it works) and most of the time its something small he ad libbed or improvised.


GDZ4VR t1_ix4ip04 wrote

The Rundown


Kingss121 t1_ix4s2zq wrote

Top 5

  1. Fast Five
  2. The Rundown
  3. Pain & Gain
  4. Fast 7
  5. Central Intelligence or Jumanji.



Siya_32 t1_ix52h9j wrote



The mummy returns


damienkarras1973 t1_ix5awq7 wrote

I think his best scenes in hobbs and Shaw were with his female co star. Like when she's trying really hard to kick his ass and lol he's just makin her look like a rag doll

I hope they make a sequel I want to know who the fuck was running that organization, since whoever said it was gonna be a hell of a reunion and they knew hobbs and shaw previously.

I doubt it was Cipher


BadComboMongo t1_ix5cbj7 wrote

Doom - honestly it’s one of my favorite of his movies if the favorite one.


Revolutionary-Tea534 t1_ix5nb6w wrote

Haven’t seen anybody mention Game Plan, not his best but it is a nice family film and it’s not too Rocky.


StrabismicCactus t1_ix5nkwy wrote

...Anyone else like Southland Tales? I'm so lonely.


docprego t1_ix5tjli wrote

Surprised no ones mentioned San Andreas. I enjoyed that one.


neverknowswhattosay t1_ix6522f wrote

Jumanji has a stealth great performance from him. Very fun movie. Honestly the kind of comedic blockbuster that would probably hover in the high 80s on RT if it were a Marvel joint.


PMzyox t1_ix6f55r wrote

The rundown


FrozenYoshi t1_ix6g5i0 wrote

Late to the party but no love for Get Smart in here smh


DragonDanno t1_ix6iwf3 wrote

I think it will be one he has yet to make.


Melk-boy OP t1_ix6uw99 wrote

Haha that’s hilarious. How’s this. One time i met the rock at the gym. I didn’t want to interrupt but like very nervously just said hey man I’m a fan. (He was incredibly friendly and humble. Almost like he wanted to talk to me). Last thing he said was hey nice shirt. I looked down and realized i was wearing one of his old wrestling shirts


NashMark09 t1_ix77npt wrote

His best pure acting role is Faster. He's also really good in Gridiron Gang, Moana, Rundown, and the rest he's at least entertaining in. He's like the modern day John Wayne...plays the similar role but as long as he's believable it shouldn't matter.


GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_ix7bml8 wrote

Rock movies are actually good. People just make too many memes of him and i dont know why.