Submitted by Beginning_Parfait_47 t3_z83jrp in movies

I love Pacino, De Niro and Denzel. Seen almost all of the movies they are in. I know Daniel Day Lewis but never really seen his body of work. I quit there will be blood halfway through, found it very slow, but open to rewatch.

I love Pacino, De Niro and Denzel. Seen almost all of the movies they are in. I know Daniel Day Lewis but never really seen his body of work. I quit there will be blood halfway through, found it very slow, but open to rewatch.



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jackwritespecs t1_iy9izml wrote

Google his top movies

Google his top movies


Few_Needleworker_801 t1_iy9j0b3 wrote

Look at his filmography and pick any movie that sounds interesting to you. He’s great in everything.

But he’s nothing like Pacino, De Niro, or Denzel. So if you want that type of actor, DDL is not it.


Bobzyurunkle t1_iy9jqrl wrote

not a huge fan but Gangs of New York and There Will Be Blood are exceptional roles for him .


Aconductor2 t1_iy9kdjc wrote

Last of the Mohicans. Love that movie, watched it late one evening when it came on following another movie. I didn't expect to be staying up much longer than I expected. Soundtrack is great.


Mrguyyaknow t1_iy9lezl wrote

There will be blood, EZ

Edit: just noticed you said you quit this one…

From a pure entertaining yet still performance based film, I’d go with Gangs of New York.


Dottsterisk t1_iy9lmzb wrote

Given your tastes, I’d say go for Last of the Mohicans (a Michael Mann flick) or Gangs of New York (Martin Scorsese flick).


ar_reapeater t1_iy9lpm3 wrote

Lincoln! - his voice, his posture, everything about his performance is just amazing.

There will be blood! - stick with it. Don’t let the opening scene bore you. I do not think you will ever find a performance as riveting as DDL’s.


Alive_Ice7937 t1_iy9mjkr wrote

In the name of the Father. Brilliant film featuring fantastic performances by Day Lewis and the late Pete Poselthwaite


thehideousheart t1_iy9ofgz wrote

There Will Be Blood and My Left Foot are, in my opinion, his two best performances. But if you found TWBB slow you might want to start with something like Gangs of New York instead.


sneakymokey t1_iy9pjtd wrote

You quit There will be Blood halfway through?!

My guy. That movie is Daniel Day Lewis at his best. I don’t care what anyone says.


Unlikely_Layer_2268 t1_iy9pyyj wrote

Any of them. I particularly enjoy In The Name Of The Father.

I’m also a Postlethwaite fan so bonus for what’s already a good movie


HortonHearsTheWho t1_iy9sq2c wrote

If you want to be put through the ringer, his performance in The Crucible is fucking heavy. The whole adaptation is fucking heavy.


KiwiYenta t1_iy9t8zw wrote

My Beautiful Laundrette was one of his earlier films (mid 1980’s) and along with My Left Foot and Last of the Mohicans, showed his talent and range. I don’t think he’s ever given a bad performance.


NoHandBananaNo t1_iy9w8pl wrote

They are all good. If you want to see his RANGE then watch In The Name Of The Father and The Age Of Innocence back to back.

They were playing at the same time in my local cinema so I saw em both, and when I realised it was the same guy I freaked out.


Beginning_Parfait_47 OP t1_iy9x6ap wrote

Thank you all, really do appreciate it! Will watch in this order, these suggestions are placed in the order in which they intrigue me the most, again thank you all.

  • Gangs of NY
  • Mohicans
  • Lincoln
  • There will be blood
  • Age of innocence
  • Left foot
  • In the name of
  • ..

Gizzard_Guy44 t1_iya12t5 wrote

I love Pacino, De Niro and Denzel. Seen almost all of the movies they are in. I know Daniel Day Lewis but never really seen his body of work. I quit there will be blood halfway through, found it very slow, but open to rewatch.


venusinpinkfur t1_iya1uoo wrote

He was incredible in My Beautiful Launderette, which was one of his first major roles. It’s also just a fantastic film and worth watching for those who haven’t seen it. DDL made a splash the day that that film opened in New York as it was the same day as the premiere of another film he was in, A Room With a View, and people were really impressed because he played polar opposite characters in both movies. My Beautiful Launderette is one of my all time favourite Day-Lewis performances.


aitrus15 t1_iyademz wrote

Would totally recommend giving There Will Be Blood another chance, Daniel Plainview is such a wretched and compelling character. Plus you'll finally get the "I drink your milkshake!" joke haha


Dottsterisk t1_iyao5uq wrote

IMO Gangs of New York is much more action-y and easy to get into. I mean, it opens with a big gang war full of over-the-top characters and then dives straight into a classic revenge tale.

There Will Be Blood if much more a slow burn character study.


KarateKid917 t1_iyazjqd wrote


You’re not watching DDL play Lincoln. You’re watching Lincoln on screen. The resemblance is uncanny.


PlasticCouch92 t1_iyb4uzb wrote

For lighter fare, you can try Age of Innocence (Scorsese, 1993). Perhaps received mixed reviews, but it is gorgeous to watch (won the Oscar for best costume design; Dante Ferretti and Sandy Powell worked on the set production)

There is The Crucible ('96) which is a classic.

PS: There Will Be Blood is a fantastic performance by Daniel Day-Lewis.

PPS: I can recommend this compelling and intimate interview featuring Day-Lewis which reveals a hidden(?) tender side of his personality (it's about Gangs of New York but the link will take you to where Day-Lewis starts)


Common_Stranger_8928 t1_iybkvpg wrote

I personally had a lot of fun watching Phantom Thread. Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson.