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st3akkn1fe t1_iyf5mjn wrote

I don't rate the lighthouse but I think the other examples are great. The thing is though you certainly couldn't have had midsommer without the wicker man. I enjoyed the wickerman and think it's a classic in low key tension.


Vinyl-Rabbits t1_iyf5zsy wrote

Coming from a 13 year old with the post entitled "KUNG FU PANDA IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER MADE!"


Alarmed-Pie8132 t1_iyf65nw wrote

You should see the remake with Nic Cage. Yikes.


EquivalentPlay326 t1_iyf6f52 wrote

Ok so my critic is worthless now, i stated OWN OPINION i mean i watched all of Sergio Leone and Kubrick, Lynch and Hitchcock does this value my critic up. What a silly perspective calling me out being 13 because of it. So one minded.


filmeswole t1_iyf6jgy wrote

Do you typically watch older films? You’re comparing modern movies to one that was made almost 50 years ago.


Realsteels0311 t1_iyf7096 wrote

I’ve looked through his profile and he doesn’t really watch older films. He’s very young. I think as he grows up and watched more older films he may slightly change his opinion but, that’s not for me to say. I do know that I’ve changed my opinions on old movies plenty. Went from thinking The Godfather was alright to actually loving it.


PercySledge t1_iyf7gwn wrote

First of all fuck you, and second of all ahhh right ok sorry you’re just joking cool ok I got u


EquivalentPlay326 t1_iyf7mpz wrote

Reelsteal tf you talking about 😂 bro acting like a psychiatrist, uff i watched movies from nosferatu over to psycho, apocalyps and clokwork Orange i love watching everything but Wickerman is just mid. M thriller from the 30s way better and scarier.
