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mdmnl t1_iy9xptg wrote

Watched Absolute Power recently. How does a movie with Eastwood, Hackman, Linney, Harris, Glenn and Haysbert get to be soooo boring?


girafa t1_iyaupp1 wrote

With a script by goddamn William goddamn Goldman goddamn, based on a book that sold for the highest amount ever for a first timer.

Aside from how generally dull the directing was, it's a great example of how a few asinine scenes can really overshadow a movie. For example - all the "we're the best at what we do" rah rah secret service spookiness, all the clandestine backroom secret hush hush lethal killer hoopla means exactly dick when the solution to him not being shot comes by way of "okay well there's like a window washer nearby and the washer accidentally shines light into the sniper's scope right at the second when the sniper is gonna kill the good guy, so the good guy lives and the bad guy misses."

I never read the book because Baldacci is a fucking awful writer, but including that in the movie was a terrible idea.