Submitted by Narrow_Emergency_669 t3_z8sjc7 in movies

Today I watched the movie the Boy In strip pajamas. It was on my bucket list since long time but I got lucky to watch it today. The movie is based on child point of view and it clearly show how pure a child's heart can be. One can imagine how the situations were in concentration camp back then. The Nazi propoganda for concentration camp is depicted well. The ending of the movie is very sad and equally true to the real events that have occurred in past.



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tezoatlipoca t1_iyd0zoc wrote

Well, I mean if you haven't already seen it, you should probably watch Schindler's List. Other hard hitting and award winning holocaust movies are in no particular order, The Pianist, Sophies Choice, The Diary of Anne Frank, Life is Beautiful (kindof holocaust periphery), Son of Saul, The Pawnbroker.


Narrow_Emergency_669 OP t1_iyd2bva wrote

Pianist is a nice one, done with that. Thanks for other recommendations.


tezoatlipoca t1_iyd3ajr wrote

If you want holocaust movies but with some vengence thrown in, any movies about nazi hunters. Judgement At Nuremburg... there's several movies about the famous nazi hunter Simon Weisenthal. My favorite is THe Odessa File - I think the book is better than the movie (with a young John Voight), but its pretty good and has a justice twist at the end that makes you go "Fuck yeah!"


BEE_REAL_ t1_iydqknh wrote

Orson Welles' The Stranger is a noir about hunting a nazi and was the first narrative film to feature footage from the camps. Hacked up by the studio, but still very good


_DeanRiding t1_iyd3jjz wrote

+1 for Schindler's List if you haven't seen it. It's absolutely a must watch. Not really any children in it iirc, but it's probably the best movie about the subject matter. Many cinephiles would put it in their top 10 best movies.


BEE_REAL_ t1_iydem3d wrote

Boy in the Striped Pajamas is seen as grossly innacurate by Holocaust scholars, in a way that actually softens the Holocaust for drama. Watch Night and Fog, or at least Schindler's List.


thewidowgorey t1_iydcamp wrote

The children were always gassed first. That movie is garbage written by someone who never studied the Holocaust. Watch Son of Saul and Shoah to understand what it was really like there.


sgmctabnxjs t1_iyd26o6 wrote

When the Wind Blows (1986).


goliath1515 t1_iyd29zj wrote

Well, maybe not exactly like the tones of that movie, but I’ve heard good things about Jojo Rabbit. I haven’t seen it personally, but have been told it’s about the nazis from a child’s perspective


blankdreamer t1_iydecme wrote

Making the main character a boy stripper was a bold artistic choice


SkyOfFallingWater t1_iydehuu wrote

Fly Away Home (2016) -it's based on an autobiographical book of an austrian writer, where she recalls the last days of WW2, when she was a child

Wunderkinder (2011) -incredibly heartbreaking german movie about three musically gifted children during WW2

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit (2019) -based on the semi-autobiographical novel of the same name (not as tragic as the others)

Wolfskinder (2013) -about a bunch of so-called wolf children (street children surviving on their own during and after WW2)

And I second "The White Ribbon"

(Actually "The Boy in the Striped Pyjama" is for great parts not very realistic... just wanted to let you know.)


JugendWolf t1_iye2hnj wrote

Very underrated: 1948's The Search. It's about a boy who survived the Holocaust but got separated from his mom. She also survived and both are looking for each other. The boy gets help from a young GI played by Montgomery Clift in one of his first roles, he got an Oscar nomination for it (the film won two Oscars, one for "Best Story" and one special award for the best child performance). A lot of scenes were filmed on location in the bombed out ruins of Germany and it doesn't shy away from depicting the PTSD of all those displaced children, but it's ultimately a hopeful film with some moments of levity.


OrphanDextro t1_iyewy1z wrote

Mr Jones. It’s a real story about a fairly unknown topic, there’s no dead kids in it, or David Thewlis, but never had a movie haunted me the way this one did. It’s more anti-Soviet, as it’s about journalism and the “Ukrainian Grain Famine”, but it’ll haunt you for days, as much as any Nazi movie, or more, which is hard to imagine