Submitted by Real_Paramedic_1789 t3_z13tbl in movies

I don’t know many times I’ve heard a movie fan bitch about Product Placement. Tarantino flat out refuses to do it. Why? What difference does it make. Granted it can be over done. The Power Rangers movie WAY over did the Krispy Kreme product placement. It also doesn’t help that those doughnuts are vile. But in small doses what the problem. It doesn’t bother me if James Bond drinks a Heineken or Superman crashes into an IHOP. Whose with me?



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mediarch t1_ix8s48m wrote

It's like people only do things because they get paid, and that's just really sad...


Main_Tip112 t1_ix8sp6w wrote

Tarantino avoided product placement and instead created his own nonsense products that have become iconic in their own way, like Red Apple cigarettes/ tobacco or Big Kahuna burgers. It adds to the unique atmosphere of his movies and gives fans fun Easter eggs to find. Not to mention he's doing just fine without Pepsi lining his pockets.

So you sorta made an odd choice to single him out. If anything, he's a perfect example of why good creators shouldn't engage in product placement.


TheTurtleShepard t1_ix8sqjm wrote

It only bothers me if it takes me out of the movie with how obvious the product placement is. Otherwise I couldn’t care any less about whether the characters drink Heineken or the marvel superheroes drive kias


kasetti t1_ix8su1a wrote

If its natural, I also dont see a problem with it. Our real world is full of marketing, some of which we dont even think of as marketing like for example car emblems. What I find weird is when filmmakers feel the need to remove those emblems from cars.


ElroyCrabs t1_ix8t2ro wrote

There’s a difference between fictional characters interacting with real world products naturally versus what is essentially an in-movie advertisement.


punygod t1_ix8t2zz wrote

Because it's super distracting and immediately takes you out of the movie if they force it to much.


punygod t1_ix8tn04 wrote

Well alot of people watch movies as escapism from the real world. I remember sitting in the theater enjoying the first black panther movie when all of a sudden it turned into a car commercial. Do you get excited when your watching something and it cuts to commercial? I assume not


Main_Tip112 t1_ix8u4tr wrote

For the reasons I mentioned. He would probably consider it a wasted opportunity to express his creativity and create unique products for his movies, which adds depth to his worldbuilding. And he doesn't need or care about the money.


probablybillingthis t1_ix8ul98 wrote

You very rarely see one that is shot in a manner that doesn’t scream product placement. It takes me out of the movie every time.


punygod t1_ix8uniy wrote

Yeah well he also specifically mentioned car emblems and how most people don't think of it as marketing which I completely disagree with. The emblem being the main focus for multiple shots to me isn't very natural and is obviously marketing


kasetti t1_ix8vk3g wrote

But what is a car commercial for you? With BP I think a part of that feeling comes from the slow speed they were driving and the boring flat wide shots. At least thats how I saw it, just a poorly made action scene. I didnt see it as oh, they are trying to sell me this car, which they probably were, but thats true for any major movie, you gotta get money to make the film from somewhere.


EC2151 t1_ix8vop6 wrote

"What, you don't like slop? I think it tastes good!"

-proud slop consumer, 2022


tissuepaperlife t1_ix8vpf6 wrote

"Taco Bell, Taco Bell, product placement with Taco Bell"


NoFate1984 t1_ix8vpol wrote

Because fucking apple phones crammed into every scene is ridiculous


cryscros t1_ix8vtjy wrote

Because everything is an ad nowadays, it’s frustrating


[deleted] t1_ix8vxv0 wrote

I don’t mind if they destroy a store that has branding on it. But for instance the Bing product placement in get out took me out of movie in the most important time


TheTurtleShepard t1_ix8vzbv wrote

What he is saying is he doesn’t understand why they remove them from the cars in production when it’s a normal part of our everyday lives.

He isn’t saying they should be zooming in and focusing on them. That would be unnatural


[deleted] t1_ix8w1mq wrote

I don’t mind if they destroy a store that has branding on it. But for instance the Bing product placement in get out took me out of movie in the most important time


kasetti t1_ix8w5an wrote

You cant avoid it though, unless you specifically go through the effort of removing it, which also isnt very natural depending on the situation. Cars have emblems, if you shoot a car from the from the front or behind, it is going to be in your shot.


nicless t1_ix8w6uo wrote

The movie "Josie and the Pussycats" is my favorite product placement of all time. Du Jour's plane is amazing. Such a good movie if you haven't seen it.


pajamatheater t1_ix8wvti wrote

Yes but the kids casually eating/using Reeces Pieces is one thing; when the characters start saying lines or entire scenes surround a product placement, it can become extremely distracting or even annoying.

The most recent example I can think of is the Walgreens placements in Hocus Pocus 2. There are entire scenes in Walgreens and even one of the characters causally suggests they go to Walgreens like it's some great event.


punygod t1_ix8y3js wrote are you not aware of all the Lexus black panther commercials? It's not they " probably were" they were 100 percent and they were not even close to subtle about it. Like those cars don't have any place in the movie. In civil war black panther is introduced and he's literally outrunning cars on foot cause the king don't need no damn car. If they do wanna make him a car it shouldn't have any brand because sheri made the car and says it's all vibranium... Also what a ridiculous thing to say that all movies do it and they have to to get money. Marvel has a ton of money and absolutely doesn't have to have product placement to be able to afford to make a movie.


Frangiblepani t1_ix8ymlc wrote

If it's obvious, I don't like it. If it make sense, I'm fine.


Claunt_Sinders t1_ix8zg1z wrote

Theres a difference between seeing products on screen we all recognize and an actual ad hidden in plain sight, you are asking why the latter isn't appreciated lmao


punygod t1_ix8zjy1 wrote

No because it would make sense for bond to drive a nice car. This thread asked why people don't like product placement and I gave an example as to why I personally dont. The question wasn't why do people hate product placement 100 percent of the time, because that would be a silly question and nobody does. It can be done right and subtle and I never said it couldn't. But the times it's done horribly is what makes people dislike it


kasetti t1_ix903v3 wrote

And my point was that when you make your product placement subtle, the audience doesnt even notice that it is marketing. You only note the bad product placement.


CthulhuRlyeh90 t1_ix939d2 wrote

Krispy Kreme donuts are fucking awesome. The hell you say?


djdoublem3 t1_ix9atxp wrote

Small doses is fine at times.

Blatantly advertising off a Beats Pill (remember what that was?) in Transformers 4(?), on the other hand? Not so much.


Real_Paramedic_1789 OP t1_ix9bjln wrote

Oh I don’t know about that. I just watched Addams family for Halloween. In one scene you sees a billboard for Tombstone pizza behind Lurch ( do they even make that anymore?). That didn’t take me out of the film. We pass billboards every day.


Main_Tip112 t1_ix9d8c0 wrote

But he probably has no idea it's solely because he completely exhausted his creativity trying to come up with Teriyaki Donut. Please, for the rest of us, go inform him immediately. We may only get one more movie out him before he retires and this criticism is invaluable.


HEHEHO2022 t1_ix9pyot wrote

the more someone does it the more i see them just trying to get money and less about them giving a shit about the art.


If an artist doesnt care about their work why the fuck should i.


El_Superbeasto76 t1_ix9qhvv wrote

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and the Cinnabon scene.


EC2151 t1_ix9r9g4 wrote

OP spending hours now justifying why "it's good, actually" to have commercials shoved in his face 24/7


"Um is that a Papa John™ pizza on the table by Thor™ in Thor: Love and Thunder™? Heckin' BASED, I LOVE Papa John's! I should order some right now! This movie speaks to my life experiences!"


Real_Paramedic_1789 OP t1_ixa6sld wrote

My sister in law is from Philly, she went to school there. Apparently Lynch was there and talked to the class. People kept asking him about his movies. He refused to answer anything about his films and spent the whole time rambling on an on about the value of transcendental meditation. I can’t say I value his opinion


blackcatmystery t1_ixawt78 wrote

I am driving a Mercedes GLE 53 Coup right now AND an E450 because I put it then in my movies. I also have an Xbox and a ps5, free booze, Carmax gave me $50k etc. It pays to sell out. And if you have a problem with that feel free to show me all your cool free shit.


Ellisrsp t1_ixca4rl wrote

I felt that ads and product placement was seamlessly integrated in Days of Thunder.


iDuddits_ t1_ixcq001 wrote

This. I don’t mind if they “use” real products realistically. It’s just when you know the “rules” they follow to show products it really stands out.


kipcarson37 t1_ixd2pep wrote

"Why are people annoyed by this thing? I mean, I found it annoying in Power Rangers, but that's different for some reason. Who's with me!?"


k_1181 t1_ixgng0j wrote

Because people hate ads, especially in a movie they paid to see.