Submitted by Accomplished_Rest457 t3_z76ar2 in movies

OK so I am probably in the minority, but I stopped liking the movie around the part where Grace knocked out a 10 year old. My main problems were:

  1. Grace as the main character was incredibly rude, selfish, and trashy. I did not like her at all. Some people call her badass, but I don't think she pulled it off well. Plus she punched a 10 year old in the face, I really didn't like her.

  2. The CGI at the end where they all explode was just bad. It kind of ruined the ending of the movie because it made it look like a joke.

  3. I did not like the comedy here. I don't think comedy belongs to horror, and to me it just did not fit right.

  4. Grace could have gotten killed so many times throughout the movie, but she gets help instead so she is not killed. It kind of made it unrealistic and scripted to me.

  5. I see people comparing this to you're next. But I think they are nothing alike. Erin is much better than Grace. Grace was a mess. You're Next actually felt real and serious, and there were no silly moments, or stupid CGI.

Overall, I am not watching this again for sure, and it's going on my dislike list.



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mikeyfreshh t1_iy4x1u3 wrote

>I did not like the comedy here. I don't think comedy belongs to horror, and to me it just did not fit right.

Well there's your problem. Pretty much every other bullet point in your post is just a joke that you didn't like. It's fine if this isn't your kind of thing, but this movie is a really well done horror/comedy


NjWilly72 t1_iy5q184 wrote

I concur. I liked it and thought it was entertaining. But I’m sure my opinion will be dismissed for liking horror/comedies. The OP was upset that Grace punched a 10 yr old? So what was she supposed to do in that moment? The kid was giving away her position to the killers, so she knocked him out. I’m curious what he would have liked her to do instead. In the context of the situation, I think it was justifiable. Honestly, I was disappointed she didn’t do worse to the kid. From the way he wrote his complaint of this, it sounded like she punched the kid for no reason. But the more important part is that it’s just a movie you blockhead.


Accomplished_Rest457 OP t1_iy4xpvj wrote

They were meant to be jokes? Oh god, there we go. To me that was a waste of time


saucybelly t1_iy4yc83 wrote

I think you’re really shooting from the hip there


Vinyl-Rabbits t1_iy4ynx8 wrote

Judging from grammar, spelling, and their post history, you're arguing with a 14 year old.


wilsonw t1_iy4wxwb wrote

You really have an issue with her punching a child who was trying to kill her? Horror Comedies are a legitimate sub-genre of horror. No idea why you don't like them, but I suggest you avoid Shaun of the Dead or Evil Dead in the future. And one of your complaints is that the movie seemed unrealistic and scripted? I hate to break it to you but nearly all movies are scripted.


Accomplished_Rest457 OP t1_iy4xk3m wrote

Yet, some movies Don't FEEL scripted. Like You're Next.

This was a mess.

Also, yes, it was dead wrong to knock the kid out, you wouldn't say it if it was a man in her position or a girl being punched so you are hypocritical.


Vinyl-Rabbits t1_iy4zfzz wrote

I will punch out anyone who's trying to kill me. What do you think she should have done? Die? And what do you mean they wouldn't say they'd punch out a "man or a girl". I'm pretty sure they would.


Accomplished_Rest457 OP t1_iy4zwrt wrote

What I am saying is the user wouldn't say it is OK if it was a man punching the boy or girl. Your reading compherension failed.

If he was, it's still wrong, she could have pushed him over or took the pistol out of his hands and used it, if she was smart.

But she was DUMB.


Vinyl-Rabbits t1_iy509ru wrote

I can clearly see you edited your comment a couple of minutes ago to change what you were saying. It's right there next to your username on the original comment. Nice try, weirdo.


[deleted] t1_iy50rt3 wrote



Vinyl-Rabbits t1_iy51i3g wrote

It really didn't, but keep digging a hole, weirdo.


Accomplished_Rest457 OP t1_iy51xe4 wrote

You are the one who is butthurt someone is criticising a movie you like. Grow up.


wilsonw t1_iy4ymik wrote

In what world am I being hypocritical? Now I think you're just trolling. Best of luck to you.


Accomplished_Rest457 OP t1_iy4yqr9 wrote

Read what I wrote and then say it again. Thanks.


wilsonw t1_iy4ywe6 wrote

In what world am I being hypocritical? Now I think you're just trolling. Best of luck to you.


[deleted] t1_iy4zdlu wrote



captainhowdy82 t1_iy4zqf7 wrote

If someone is trying to kill you, even if they’re 10, you are justified in defending yourself


wilsonw t1_iy502w7 wrote

Yes - it's perfecting acceptable to defend yourself in a life or death situation. Gender and age don't matter. You're reaching there bud.


NjWilly72 t1_iy5srvn wrote

You’re right. A man would’ve kicked the kid in the face and spit on him or her. Common, give me a break. What are you a Mormon? Instead you would have whipped out your guitar and sang for the kid.


ThiccDICC_OG t1_iy6ng5b wrote

I would definitely be fine with a man punching a child or woman in that scenario.

Would you seriously let someone murder you just because they were a child or a woman?


Frogman1480 t1_iy4z1vi wrote

I thought Samara Weaving was excellent in this and I found the whole movie great. I really liked the family butler who thinks he's saved the day near the end. Well worth another watch as I've not seen it in a while !


FineFuckingLine t1_iy5qi1a wrote

When everyone behind him was screaming for him to turn around but the music was too loud... My husband and I laughed so effing hard.


WhyWorryAboutThat t1_iy4xiyr wrote

I'm a huge fan of the film, but I am interested in your point about horror comedy. Horror is all about tension, while comedy is all about relieving tension every time there's a joke. Of course, you can also get people to laugh nervously if tension builds more and more. That may be more appropriate for a horror comedy but I'm not sure if I know any examples of a movie that does it that way in this genre. If You're Next is one, then I don't know as I haven't seen it.

I don't remember the kid getting punched but I remember liking the ending. The reveal that this ridiculous ritual was all real was funny to me and I'm a sucker for excessive violence, even if the cgi wasn't convincing.


Accomplished_Rest457 OP t1_iy4xz82 wrote

If I watch a horror, I want to feel uncomfortable, creeped out, and scared. Not laugh.

To me they just don't go together.


WannabeLMAOXDLOL t1_iy557qq wrote

What exactly are you trying to say? It seems to me that you just wanna shit talk the movie.

If you want to get uncomfortable why did you even watch a horror comedy?


Annie0minous t1_iy5e3y0 wrote

I think the original post is basically: "There was a comedy horror film that I expected to be straight horror. I don't like comedy horror so I didn't like this movie".

Oh and - "an entitled, psychotic little prick got punched for trying to murder someone and that made me sad."


Accomplished_Rest457 OP t1_iy5kcfb wrote

He didn't know what he was doing, he was completely innocent and just watched his junkie mother shooting.

You don't know what you are talking about. Grace and his mom were the bitches here.


NavidsonRcrd t1_iy55jq8 wrote

This is a pretty bizarre take in my opinion. Comedy and horror are inseparable in their reflection of cultural taboos, fears, and desires. Even more so, both create moments of tension and release that the viewer feels. Ever notice how many peoples’ reaction to something horrific is to laugh uncomfortably at it? Both horror and humor are mechanisms for release - most good horror movies realize this.

Some of the most beloved horror movies are also very funny, and that is no accident. Get Out, Pearl, Evil Dead, American Werewolf in London, Cabin in the Woods, Shaun of the Dead… the list goes on.

For truly visceral reactions to horror, levity is required. It can either provide an inverse sensation that makes characters likeable and adds stakes to their misfortune or, conversely, twist the knife further with an additional layer of humor or irony. Both approaches make the horror elements of a film stronger.


vladivan t1_iy52bjt wrote

Yes the victim of murderous capitalist assholes was rude and selfish/s. What the fuck is this post lol?


TrueLegateDamar t1_iy5fhw6 wrote

How the hell is Grace in the wrong for punching a kid who SHOT HER IN THE HAND AND WAS TRYING TO KILL HER?

And Grace survived due to her would-be killers being a bunch of incompetent rich people who never worked a day in their lives nor had to kill anyone in 30 years and don't know how to operate weapons.


Accomplished_Rest457 OP t1_iy5l15v wrote

No, her husbands brother could have killed her 2x if he wanted to. He also protected her once from his wife who could have shot her dead.The waiter could have killed her too when he got her in the car.

Well it was a little boy, and he was innocent.


TrueLegateDamar t1_iy5oiyt wrote

He did not want to kill her and play the game due to getting his father killed in the previous Hide & Seek game 30 years ago. And the butler couldn't kill her because the family has to do it.

The boy tried to *murder* Grace and shot her through the hand with a gun, how is he innocent if he has no trouble killing someone?


Accomplished_Rest457 OP t1_iy5p687 wrote

He said to his mom later that he was just doing the thing with gun like they are. He just copied them. He had no idea what was actually going on.

You're Next was like 10x better in this regard. This movie was meant to portray a woman fighting for her life for a whole night, but they failed.


CeaWall t1_iy514ui wrote

You might have gone in to it with incorrect expectations. It sounds like you were looking for a serious horror (like You're Next). But from what I remember, Ready Or Not is more of just a 'fun' movie. I wouldn't even really call it horror, it was more like a light-hearted comedic thriller.

I do feel the same as you that comedy doesn't belong in horror though. I don't like laughing at people getting murdered in 'goofy' ways, I prefer horrors to be more tense/serious. But for some reason, I actually did like Ready Or Not, I found it fun and I thought the main actress girl was pretty good.

I also have to give the movie credit: In a lot of modern movies where the main female character is a 'badass', the writers often step over in to 'woke' territory with tons of woke cliches (i.e., all the white males in the movie are wimps/idiots/creeps/evil and all the females are geniuses/badasses/virtuous, the female protagonist complains about things in the movie using millenial buzzwords like 'patriarchy', 'privilege', 'sexist', etc) but I don't really recall cringing about any of that kind of stuff in that movie. It was just a fun movie.


Accomplished_Rest457 OP t1_iy51eyz wrote

I agree, i was totally expecting a serious movie


TrueLegateDamar t1_iy5em22 wrote

It's a movie about a bride being hunted down by her in-laws on her wedding day because she picked Hide & Seek, how did this movie look serious to you?


NjWilly72 t1_iy5t3lx wrote

Truly a batshit crazy post, but I enjoyed everyone else’s comments.


Xeno_Zombi t1_iy5w6dp wrote

Go outside. Touch some grass.


TheJoker12561256 t1_iy6q289 wrote

1.Are you forgetting the 10 year old asshole shot her in the hand before she punched him? She tries deescalating the situation but he’s so kill happy he shoots her in the hand. She then knocks him out because he shot her and would do it again. I also find it concerning that you found the murderous 10 year old more likable than the woman who thought she married her dream-man, only to find out there are weird traditions she finds funny. She doesn’t make fun of them to be rude, she just finds it kind of weird and is joking with the family. Then she gets pissed when she finds out they’re all trying to kill her and her husband didn’t tell her that this was a possibility. She is 1000% a badass because she thinks on her feet, gets the shit beat out of her, and still kicks the bad guys asses.

2/3. That is meant to be a joke. The whole movie is meant to be a horror/comedy. The movie even ends on a funny one liner of “I want a divorce”. Personally, horror/comedies are my favorite type of horror film and this movie does it excellently.

  1. She gets help because it is made clear multiple times in the movie that the older brother hates his family and their tradition of killing people. He helps her because he likes how different from his family she is and doesn’t want to see someone nice get killed after his aunt(?) had her husband killed. The other times she escapes danger, she does so by either quick thinking, or because her husband is helping until he changes teams. There are reasons explicitly shown for why people are helping her.

  2. This plot is similar to You’re Next, only so far as its about a family being killed off and the new girl being the last to survive, but you aren’t wrong that You’re Next is more serious. I still prefer this movie though because this movie has some really fun deaths and the humor is great.


ChipzzBitzz t1_iy8r97y wrote

Yes I found almost every character and pacing and editing ALL OF IT to be incredibly annoying


SubrbanPostmdrnism t1_iy53a46 wrote

I didn’t dislike it, but didn’t love it. Solid 6/10. Not going to watch it again anytime soon, but maybe in 5 to 10 years after I forget what happened in the movie.

I’m in the same boat as you with horror comedy. When I watch a horror movie I want to feel anxious and on edge, or at least some tension wondering how things will turn out. The comedy kind of ruins it for me. I do like very well done satirical horror movies such as Tucker and Dale, Cabin in the Woods, Shaun of the dead. But I don’t think of it as watching a horror movie when I watch them.


Waste-Replacement232 t1_iybep3g wrote

> Grace could have gotten killed so many times throughout the movie, but she gets help instead so she is not killed. It kind of made it unrealistic and scripted to me.

I hate to break it to you, but the vast majority of movies are scripted.


Peanlocket t1_iy4zqlj wrote

I really hate how the badass poster image of her was just a joke. I was expecting a lot more fighting back but thankfully You're Next scratched that itch.
