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-Lumos t1_ixw02w6 wrote

Can't believe you didn't mention Everybody Wants Some!! Arguably his most charismatic performance. I believe he has another film in the works with the same director (Linklater). If he picks the right roles I believe he has everything going for him to skyrocket to stardom.


spwf OP t1_ixw0np1 wrote

Yeah that’s fair. I didn’t pick it because I don’t know if I’d call it a movie that’s ever spoken about as memorably as his other two projects that came out in the same year, Scream Queens and Hidden Figures


Equal_Feature_9065 t1_ixweko6 wrote

That’s so funny. I’ve never once heard anyone talk about either of those films since they came out — let alone his performance in them. Yet both Everybody Wants Some and his performance remained beloved to this day, at least in my little corner of the world.


spwf OP t1_ixwfro4 wrote

Well, that’s what happens when people equate all the “little corners of the world” to the world.

Just because someone hasn’t heard about something being talked about, doesn’t mean that it’s not being talked about.