Submitted by irkybirky t3_z441mb in movies

I use imdb quite regularly. I find it informative, in regards to movies and actors/actresses. The part of this website that does lead you astray are the review sub section. Its very obvious that there are many fake accounts leaving rating scores of "10" and glorious reviews for movies that are clearly not that. I'm always happy to see other members pointing this out in there own, honest review.



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fleetingflamingos t1_ixp6udd wrote

It’s funny cause I have an issue with the reviews section on IMDb for the opposite reason. It annoys me how many people leave 1/10 reviews, especially when they admit to just watching the first half of a movie or the first two episodes of a show.

In my opinion, there are very very few movies that are a true 1/10. Most movies have enough redeemable qualities to bring it to a 4-5, so I’m always more interested in reading the negative reviews from a 4-6 range. However I think there are definitely many movies that are 10/10, so the higher scores don’t bother me as much.


irkybirky OP t1_ixp8diw wrote

Ya it does work both ways with reviews. From one extreme to the next. I can't say I agree on the 1-10 movies. There are many in my opinion that are just dreadful in every aspect, but I do agree, if you haven't fully watched a movie or show in its entirety than how can you give it a fair rating? Any rating is fair if you seen it and gave your honest review, but these 10-10 reviews for people who just opened accounts with one review is simply hog wash.


Volcano_Tequila t1_ixr3r68 wrote

There is no hard and fast rule, but the less mainstream a movie or TV show is, the more accurate the IMDB rating is. When something is released with great fanfare, everyone under the sun chooses to share their two cents, and a lot of it is not very nuanced or useful. Add to that superfans, woke warriors, xenophobes, purists, trolls and others, and you can drown in extreme views. But, with some discretion, it is still a good guide to make a viewing decision on unknown fare.


OldMork t1_ixpk5fk wrote

Tons of fake reviews, I usually ignore all the extremes, the real ones are most likely in span 4-7.