Submitted by AdHelpful7287 t3_z518w8 in movies

Would you want to forget a particularly bad/disturbing film or would you want the chance to rewatch your favourite film for the first time again?

As a massive Harry Potter fan, I'd love to experience them for the first time again but I know a huge part of my love for them is nostalgia and therefore I'd be too concerned I wouldn't enjoy them second time around.

As such I think my choice would be The Godfather, specifically the 1st one (and not because I love it). Just that everyone generally accepts the Godfather films are amongst the greatest films ever made and I didn't enjoy the first one (i liked the second one more), and everytime I've tried watching them again, I've got that in my head.



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islandhopper39 t1_ixtr6w3 wrote

The new Star Wars Trilogy. And beforehand set myself a daily reminder that, NO, I shouldn't watch them. And if I'm tempted, that, NO, they don't get better.


JonathanDP81 t1_ixtsom8 wrote

1 was okay, 2 feel like it hated me as a Star Wars fan, and I only saw 3 out of morbid curiosity.


Outrageous_Tank_8356 t1_ixumb0t wrote

I couldn't make it 5 mins into the 3rd one. I saw that it was coming on TV the second I saw the "Emperor" who died in Return of the Jedi ...I just turned iit off and said thank god I didnt pay money to see this crap.


zoethebitch t1_ixuukad wrote

Tattoo DON"T WATCH NEW STAR WARS TRILOGY on your chest in mirror image so you see it every morning, like Leonard in "Memento".


tacoman333 t1_ixvmr19 wrote

It would be hilarious if you ended up watching and enjoying it due to significantly lowered expectations.


DarthKava t1_ixtx4yj wrote

LOTR trilogy. I want to see it again for the first time. Some parts of it still give me goosebumps.


jackfaire t1_ixtxwuk wrote

Sixth Sense. I was told the twist as we entered the theater. Never seen it while not knowing.


Tall_Run_2814 t1_iy0eg58 wrote

That sucks. Same happened to me with Life of David Gale and Gone Girl. I hate spoilers


Intelligent_Doubt_74 t1_ixtscr5 wrote

The new jurassic world trilogy. Then hypnotise myself to feel sick at the mere thought of maybe watching them again


BrandTheBroken t1_ixuc22p wrote

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind so I could forget how much I loved it then fall in love with it again.


iamsnarticus t1_ixtqxd9 wrote

I would rewatch Airplane! for the first time again


CyanideSmoker t1_ixtr4et wrote

Would like to delete the CGed Bay 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle' reboot out of my mind. As an old school fan who read the Archie Comics and will still argue the first live action 'TMNT' was and still is a great watch.

The Bay reboot looked bad, had terrible writing, and the action was generic CG cutscene stuff. With the budget, there was so much potential....


Lanky-Connection9345 t1_ixu0wy1 wrote

I would absolutely love to see both Zodiac and Gone Girl for the first two times again…..I’ve seen them a lot more than that at this point but nothing tops those first couple of viewings when you know you’ve fallen in love with a movie


alliownisbroken t1_ixv09sa wrote

I'd agree with Gone Girl but I can't handle being that angry at Rosamund Pike again. I was seething with rage when I left that theatre.


WorthRecognition5663 t1_ixvigkc wrote

this is hilarious because I felt the same way. I still haven't worked my way up to watching something with her in it because I am still mad at her.


alliownisbroken t1_ixvvc5h wrote

The worst part is that I read the book first and knew it was all coming. Honestly she should have won the oscar.


Ronilaw t1_ixtrwfw wrote

Human centipede. I only saw the first one and it deeply disturbed me for weeks


Shrimp-Coctail t1_ixwctka wrote

I saw only the south part parody and I want it deleted from my brain. I don't want to even think that this movie was made.

And Seven. I don't like gore and never saw that coming...


Competitive-Finger26 t1_ixufwlv wrote

This. There is a line, and they crossed it. Those people should not be allowed to make movies, or go out in public.


DodgerBlueRobert1 t1_ixts8eq wrote

MCU. I was blown away watching all the films in order for the first time a few years ago. The culmination of the first 3 phases ending with Infinity War and Endgame was just brilliant. Quite possibly the best series of movies I've ever seen that are interconnected.


AdHelpful7287 OP t1_ixugpgu wrote

I binged watched the MCU films during lockdown. Great stuff


DodgerBlueRobert1 t1_ixvoaqp wrote

Yeah, I binged watched all of them back in January 2021 when I had covid. I had seen Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America many years ago, but I never really got into them and had no idea they were all connected. So starting from the beginning and watching them all in order was extremely entertaining.


genjomusic t1_ixu2u1n wrote

It’s a shame, the MCU peaked at endgame - it’s felt very directionless since


Aritche t1_ixu66ea wrote

They are working up to the next thing. Antman and loki season 2 should set up a lot. Phase 4 has been a lot of introductions just like phase 1 was. I think people wrongly expected them to instantly setup the new thanos. Now that we have gotten all these new heroes the overall story will start building.


Halio344 t1_ixur58y wrote

I don’t think deleting it will be as good. Part of what made it so amazing is that you had the wait and hype between movies and the series spanning a decade until Endgame. You’d lose that on a binge.

Endgame would not have the same impact if you watched the first Avengers movie a month before.


DodgerBlueRobert1 t1_ixvow91 wrote

The only MCU movie I watched in the theaters was Captain America. I had seen Iron Man and Thor on tv or rented them, but I was never "into" those movies back then, and had no idea they were all connected. So I wasn't part of the masses that watched them all when they came out in the theaters over a 10 year period. I went back and started with IM1 and watched them all pretty much for the first time on D+ in January 2021 when I was sick with covid. And that took about 10 days. Trust me....Endgame had an impact on me.


Halio344 t1_ixvsdcz wrote

Definitely not saying it doesn’t have an impact, it’s still an epic saga, but it’s completely different when you follow it for 10+ years!


d00ns t1_ixtwdt6 wrote

I've seen Big Lebowski at least 500 times. If I deleted it, that's another 1000 hours of entertainment.


vilebutvast t1_ixtwhpl wrote

Oh man, I’d want to watch Lord of the Rings in theaters again for the first time. Especially Return of the King on the big screen. Loved every second of jt, cried like a baby, ugh felt like a warm hug. Now I know it so well it’s still meaningful, but not as emotional when I watch.


MikeArrow t1_ixtx8k0 wrote

I'll answer with a slight twist. I'd like to delete Star Wars and re-watch it, but only if I can go back to 1977 and watch it in theatres. Massive hype, lines around the block, so much anticipation, but before it became a cultural juggernaut. I'd love to experience that firsthand.


zoethebitch t1_ixuv0d8 wrote

I saw it three or four days after it opened. I thought, "That's a cool poster" and didn't know anything else. Saw it in a mostly deserted theater with a housemate. That first scene of the Star Destroyer chasing the cruiser is embedded into my consciousness.

I saw it again a week later in a much better setting: The Coronet theater in San Francisco. The theater was packed, pot smoke filling the air, the audience booing Darth Vader. That is also a wonderful memory.


justmikewilldo t1_ixttl71 wrote

The Matrix sequels. Granted the first is cheesy at times in my book it’s a masterpiece and there is no denying how it changed action filmmaking forever.

The sequels are trash and I hate them and I wish I didn’t know they existed.


Many-Outside-7594 t1_ixuayy7 wrote

Dumb and Dumber

I was allowed to see this movie in theaters when I was a child and to this day was still the most I have ever laughed in a theater.

Would love to go into it again with no knowledge as I could perform the entire thing from memory at this point.


fqrlhznl t1_ixtsb8a wrote

what I wouldn't give to watch Paprika for the first time again


RK_Bob t1_ixuuiou wrote



AL5GS t1_ixvac4d wrote

Blade 3 was awful just terrible, The fact that they had less color in the movie really was sickening..


GizzardEUizzard t1_ixw5x8w wrote

The Matrix, and every film that’s stolen from it, so I could rewatch it and gasp at it’s magnificence again.


fitlikeabody t1_ixtulxo wrote

I'd delete Space Truckers (the one with Dennis Hopper). Worst thing I've ever watched. This was in the 90s and I still resent it. Given how much straight to video garbage I've watched and enjoyed you'd think I'd have found something redeeming in it but no. Total shit.


Larceon t1_ixu231n wrote

I’m terms of franchises or series I would have to say the human condition trilogy is truly phenomenal on every level of viewing. But the lord of the rings is always a safe bet. At the end of the day nothing would make me happier than forgetting about the Percy Jackson movies


Thick_Isopod_6778 t1_ixu3jfs wrote

Just The Matrix 4... would leave the trilogy as is/was... Matrix 4 never happened no no noooo


stavis23 t1_ixualbp wrote

All of my favorite movies, from Kubrick to Tarkovsky to Bresson to the Coens. I love them now, i’d probably love them again given a second chance.


MadgeNow t1_ixuap1h wrote

Can I just delete specific Disney songs?


Outrageous_Tank_8356 t1_ixul6wa wrote

Titanic. Twilight series Disney Star Wars Movies Daniel Craig as James Bond


MCUNeedsClones t1_ixumzga wrote

MCU. I want to know what it's like to watch in chronological order from the beginning. Though, I suppose, I would have to use this selective memory skill repeatedly.


rozirozi1 t1_ixupmmy wrote

Lord of the Rings


FloppedYaYa t1_ixuvey5 wrote

Any film containing the words "Directed by Michael Bay"


Pipelaya1 t1_ixuvoy7 wrote

Aliens and shawshank


BrangdonJ t1_ixv2t1l wrote

Nothing. I enjoyed movies with surprises the first time around, like Fight Club or The Prestige, but I also enjoy them knowing what's coming. Some films can't be fully appreciated on one viewing.


AdHelpful7287 OP t1_ixv5c85 wrote

I always like re-watching those sort of twist ending films as you pick up on different things / hints when you see them again, knowing what's coming


a_portuguese_abroad t1_ixv2yr0 wrote

I wish I could watch Interstellar for the first time again.


TheUmgawa t1_ixvb5ym wrote

I would want to have my memory of the Barbie Museum scene from Rat Race erased from my mind, just so I could experience it again for the first time. It is the perfect amount of build for a joke that drops like a hammer.

Now, if we were to include television, I'd want to have Reverend Jim: A Space Odyssey removed for the same reason, because it features what I think is the funniest joke in the history of television. I mean, it's still hysterical every time I see it, but there was a sense of wonder to it when I first saw it. It is perfectly written and perfectly played, and I have never seen its like.


MeatHamster t1_ixvd06c wrote

I'd suspect I might not enjoy the first couple of the Harry Potter movies as maybe one child in them could act tolerably. But as I grew up with the films, I do love them all.

I might like to enjoy Lord of the rings or Star Wars with fresh eyes again.


SantaRosaJazz t1_ixvd85u wrote

12 Monkeys, so I can be amazed all over again.


CromulentPoint t1_ixvjo6e wrote

Avatar the Last Airbender movie.

Never before has a film adaptation so shat upon its source material. It's like the people involved in the movie didn't even watch the show.


dazed247 t1_ixvuh0h wrote

Cheech and Chong


Forward-Set-4161 t1_ixw7q3w wrote

I'd give one of my kidneys to be able to watch Memento for the first time again.


Kokibuchek t1_ixw7tj7 wrote

I would say Resident Evil Retribution, but is was so forgettable it sort of already did the job on its own.


prophecygirl785 t1_ixwilt1 wrote

I’ve never seen The Godfather and have no plans to. They are extremely not my kind of movie.


have_heart t1_ixxl2ji wrote

I personally think the 2nd Godfather is better but it’s by the absolute slimmest of margins. It is insane how much Godfather has influenced cinema. One example is oranges in film. The amount of times I tell people I knew something bad was gonna happen because oranges were mentioned/shown in a scene is surprisingly high. Just today I was watching Mad Men and there is a death in the show that I knew was coming because it was predicated by the person saying “this ice cream tastes like oranges”


Happy_Chick21 t1_ixxmqq0 wrote

Last house on the left (remake) and the girl next door. I felt like I was a silent witness to a slow train wreck of glorified torture. One of those you just feel dirty after watching like you took part in the debasement of your own being. Definitely the girl next door because it's based on a true story. There was something to be gained or appreciated by watching hereditary, not so here.


AdHelpful7287 OP t1_ixxoo69 wrote

I've never seen either but someone I know said the exact same thing about the girl next door. Personally I don't know if that sort of thing needs to be turned into 'entertainment' (to be clear, I have nothing against horror or gore when done well, it just needs to be more than horrific for the sake of it)


Turbulent-Friend-241 t1_ixxsh0a wrote

Twilight series. I read the books and it was so good!!! Idk what happened sa movie bakit naging ganun pero iba yung feels nya sa book compare sa movie


Aggravating-Assist18 t1_ixxzd7i wrote

Star Wars(franchise) so I can experience the Darth Vader reveal for the first time without spoilers. When I watched star wars I went in knowing a lot about it already and even if I didn't I was a kid when I watched it so I don't even remember my reaction to the reveal in ESB. Which is why it would be nice experiencing the reveal with no spoilers and no information known about the franchise


Top_Barnacle9669 t1_ixtzr7c wrote

Shape of Water. The worst film I have ever sat through


EightBitBert t1_ixve225 wrote

Paranormal Activity. Absolute garbage I was dragged into.


AdHelpful7287 OP t1_ixves7i wrote

Yeah I never really got what was so good about those films


EightBitBert t1_ixvf2ne wrote

It wasn't scary, it was boring as could be. The only thing to startle wasn't even the movie. I was about to fall asleep when two girls in the front row screamed at something happening. Their screams woke me back up and I'll never forgive them for that, lol.


WowSoFetch t1_ixvezoi wrote

Everything but OT Star Wars. I wish we only got the OT then Disney purchased the rights and the first thing they made was ‘Andor’

This way the Skywalker saga ends with Jedi and we have the whole universe to explore outside of it with no expectations that any of the OT characters be in it