Submitted by theclipclop28 t3_z7fpe0 in movies

Surprisingly awful and outdated movie. I expected a nostalgia trip to my childhood. What I got was boring, badly acted, gags weren't funny, music is abysmal. I thought it was a classic, but it doesn't compare even remotely to other comedies from the 80's. It's probably an unpopular opinion, but just try watching it now, without nostalgia glasses. It's just bad.



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TheRuinerJyrm t1_iy6ba5r wrote

You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target


joeymack69 t1_iy6cokd wrote

Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. But I also listen too much.


PaladinsAreReal t1_iy6cjrn wrote

Hard disagree and this feels like an edgelord post.


theclipclop28 OP t1_iy6cn5e wrote

I'd rather watch Christmas Vacation or Vacation 10 times straight over this.


PaladinsAreReal t1_iy6cu1z wrote

This statement doesn’t support your original post at all. These things are mutually exclusive.


theclipclop28 OP t1_iy6cz6s wrote

I said this doesn't compare to other good comedies from the 80's, this feels like a bunch of SNL gags.


njdevils901 t1_iy6g8c3 wrote

If by "a bunch of SNL gags", you mean a series of beautifully orchestrated comedy scenes with great writing and comedic timing/chemistry from the two leads then I completely agree


a-system-of-cells t1_iy6c3pz wrote

That’s interesting because I saw it for the first time ever over thanksgiving holiday and was shocked at how great it was. I laughed all the way through, and I found the ending surprisingly affecting.


lizzpop2003 t1_iy6euf1 wrote

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad for it.


theclipclop28 OP t1_iy6f04c wrote

LOL, I don't feel bad at all knowing I won't have to watch it again. 4/10. It's bad.


Liftin-Larry-92 t1_iy6hbem wrote

You're definitely in the tiny minority who doesn't love the movie

99% of people who have seen it every year since 1987 still cherish it


exhaustednihilist420 t1_iy6im8n wrote

So you're saying you'd have a better chance of playing pick up sticks with your buttcheeks than finding someone who dislikes this movie?


[deleted] t1_iy6d49s wrote



theclipclop28 OP t1_iy6d9qj wrote

No, I'm watching it right this second, I'm nearing the end. It feels like a 2 hour movie, even though it's barely 1:25


straightupslow t1_iy9vv3k wrote

Consider yourself lucky then. The original cut was 3 hours and 40 minutes.


Glittering-Ad-6955 t1_iy6kd7f wrote

I hope John Candy gets to haunt your dreams, you monster!


Frankie6Strings t1_iy6lrbc wrote

I support your right to express an incorrect opinion.


WhereIsThatElephant t1_iy7cnbn wrote

Saw it several times a year ago for the first time. It's not an easy watch, but it is outstanding, and I even saved some of the music score. It just drops from time to time, and gets too realistic as well, like a depressing comedy.

"You're going the wrong way!"


Imaginary-Ladder-465 t1_iy70tw4 wrote

Disagree completely, but I did feel that way watching uncle buck


Wh1ska t1_iy742pt wrote

Was a great movie for its time, still pretty decent nowadays 🤷‍♂️


Walmartmaster t1_iy6pg72 wrote

I’m not kidding planes trains and automobiles is my favorite movie of all time. I recently read the Canadian mounted book about the filming of it. I’ve seen countless deleted scenes and done so much research on the filming and seen interviews with Hughes and Martin. I visited candys grave in March and left flowers I purchased in front of his area of the mausoleum where he was located. I’ve seen this movie at least 50 times and it never gets old. It is most definitely my favorite movie of all time.

Your opinion is objectively wrong. Sorry. I’m all about respecting other opinions but yours is just wrong.


gsx_750 t1_iy89zul wrote

It is far better than most modern movies.


Lord_Darksong t1_iy8tjvg wrote

My wife and I still quote the "How do they know where we're going?" bit when we hear about anything going the wrong way.

That whole scene had me in tears from laughing the first time I saw it.

That movie is awesome.


Biscuits_N_Gravey t1_iy6bmld wrote

I had the same experience showing someone American Beauty. Ended being like, well you kinda had to be there back in the late 90s…bc it did not hold up at all to me. The themes around losing and finding yourself all still hit but the rest didn’t age well


theclipclop28 OP t1_iy6c5hh wrote

Steve Martin wiping his face with John Candy's underware, Martin's voice changes after guy pulled him by his nuts, Candy adjusting his seat in a car for what felt like an eternity, Candy driving the wrong way on the highway and not hearing what the guy from the other car was yelling, Candy suddenly appearing in devil's costume in the car, and many, many more little things and gags weren't funny.


Rossington1234 t1_iy7i33l wrote

I'm afraid I have to agree. Hadn't seen it since I was a kid and me and my wife watched it last week and we both felt like it was a slog to get through. A few amusing bits but mostly just annoying, frustrating and depressing. I love Steve Martin and John Candy but neither of them had their usual "loveable" qualities in it.


BodhiK187 t1_iy92rfi wrote

I still love this film. Every time (without fail) I watch the end scene where Neil goes back to the subway station to find Del and takes him to his house for Thanksgiving makes me cry uncontrollably.


CthulhuRlyeh90 t1_iy8kz7c wrote

What is up with the barrage of negative, nitpicking 'reviews' on this sub lately?


HEHEHO2022 t1_iy95njd wrote

this is the type of post i HATE.

People are free to hate or dislike a film but to try to say a film is objectively poorly made when it clearly isnt just rubs me the wrong way


PintacOnAcid t1_iya26o1 wrote

Well, ‘PT&A’ is a #1 Seller on Amazon this week; a new 4K release w/ 75 minutes of outtakes. Just sayin’


Fearless_Knowledge77 t1_iybxy82 wrote

In multiple ways, it holds up. The theme is timeless. You sir/madam have lost your joy for life. Or you’re drunk.


BRDIE999 t1_iy8ibgu wrote

Gonna have to wait another 20 years for the old and unfunny people to die out before this opinion will carry some weight. People love to watch bad movies on a yearly basis. That's why a Christmas Story gets played for a full 24 hours lmao.


fart-debris t1_iy6buvi wrote

“Badly acted”?

What the hell were you expecting?


00collector t1_iy6brmd wrote

I agree. I don’t really get the appeal of this one.
