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ElectricZ t1_iy282x7 wrote

I'll throw out Midnight Run. Everybody gets what they deserve in the end.

The evil mob boss is brought to justice.

The long-suffering, stoic FBI agent gets to bring in his man.

The two-timing, scheming, lying, cheating bail bondsman has victory snatched from his grasp by the guy he was trying to screw over.

The honorable cop turned bounty hunter who had his family, career, and reputation destroyed by the mob boss is instrumental in bringing him down.

The fugitive on the run, a decent man trying to do the right thing, earns his freedom from the bounty hunter, and repays him with three times the amount of the bounty the guy would have received from bringing him in, then allows the code-obsessed bounty hunter to take the money by explaining, "It's not a payoff, it's a gift. You already let me go."

It doesn't get any feel-goodier.