Submitted by Nossirom t3_z8hvsp in movies

I could pick many movies for this, but I'm going to say Only God Forgives for an example.

Generally speaking, I would not recommend this movie to anyone. It's vile, strangely plotted, and deeply off putting in many scenes.

None the less, it is one of favourite movies. I've watch it many times and I'm sure that I will watch it many times more. It just clicks for me in a way that I really can't explain.



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Voltekker_ t1_iybqrg6 wrote



LabyrinthConvention t1_iybsr3c wrote

I rewatched recently and for the first 90 minutes I couldn't understand why it wasn't one of my favorite movies.

Then the last hour reminded me...


Dayofsloths t1_iyd6oo9 wrote

Visually spectacular, bafflingly stupid characters.


tootsmcgeees t1_iybrv08 wrote

Batman and Robin (1997). The bat nipples and campiness get a lot of flack, but I love how colorful and theatrical it is. Also Thurman and Schwarzenegger are amazing as Poison Ivy and Mr. Freeze.


cerberaspeedtwelve t1_iybrca4 wrote

Freddy Got Fingered (2001). The most cleverly written and self aware anti-movie ever made. It's a Dadaist masterpiece.

For the unitiated, this movie is about a completely untalented cartoonist who inexplicably gets given $1m to make his cartoon, and blows the lot of dumb stuff. In real life, Tom Green had the stupidest TV show that you ever saw, and was inexplicably given $10m to make a movie. The fact that it was ever made is a giant fingers-up to Hollywood, with a slight fingers-up to the audience thrown in. Nothing like it will ever be made again.


boomboxwithturbobass t1_iydggmr wrote

You know, Tom Green was truly a pioneer. A precursor to stupid internet videos we have today, a natural progression from candid camera. Anyway, the movie’s fucking stupid but I enjoyed it.


InitialOutcome3 t1_iybzen2 wrote

He’s travelling the country in a van now, he has a YouTube channel that’s pretty awesome. Glad to see where he’s at now, living life and enjoying himself


MondoUnderground t1_iycj2pu wrote

Did anyone have this take before RedLetterMedia made a review of it?

To me, it’s just a hilarious comedy.


BedDefiant4950 t1_iybqhgg wrote

as a certified shyamalanaboo: Lady in the Water.

i cannot justify this movie. the characterization is just off, the ego of casting yourself as a prophet is stratospheric, the dialogue is clunky, the twist is weak even by shyamalan standards, and bob balaban's death scene may be the worst ever committed to film. absolutely loved every second.


DrRexMorman t1_iybxqlg wrote

Great answer.

It died by 1000, super fucking weird cuts.

Could it have worked if Shyamalan had cast someone else in his own role?

But then it wouldn't have been a Shyamalan movie, you kno know?


Bellbivdavoe t1_iybs139 wrote

Short Circuit 2.

And please, accept my many apologies.


LittleBullBoy t1_iycgp6x wrote

The Happening.

I 100% believe it to be one of the most brilliant intentional comedies of all time. The twist is that this movie has hidden a deadpan comedy in plain sight, under the guise of being a thriller/horror. I’m not saying “this is so bad it’s good” either. I’m saying it is actually good and was meant to be a comedy.

I cannot recommend it though, purely because I know just how hated it is. If viewed strictly as a thriller/horror it all of a sudden becomes one of the worst train wrecks of a movie you’ll ever watch. I’ve probably seen it 20 times and laughed just as hard each and every time.

I also know that the few people I know who’ve watched it recently through the lens of a dark comedy, have agreed with me that it is actually genius comedic writing.


January28thSixers t1_iycxu5d wrote

I love it. The way characters interact with each other is so bizarre. Their emotions are insane and seemingly random. Marky Mark and Jess have zero charisma together.


Low-Cantaloupe9426 t1_iydh8qt wrote

The only way the movie makes any sense is through a comedic viewpoint.


LittleBullBoy t1_iyewm9q wrote

Not only that, it makes PERFECT sense through a comedic viewpoint. I’m not saying this is one of those “so bad it’s good” kind of comedies. I’m saying this was written as a comedy intentionally.

When mark whalberg grabs the wine glass, only to discover it is fake… he then plays with the glass for the rest of the scene, clearly under the realization that it is fake, but just before the scene ends, he goes in for a sniff, just to make sure. Lmao


digital_organism t1_iybq24g wrote

Ebola Syndrome (1996)

I never would have thought one of my all time favourite films would be a necrophelic, canibalisitc, rape/revenge gangster gorefest cooking movie…but here we are.



smelleesox t1_iybs8uz wrote

47 Ronin. Seen a lot of reviews slating the movie but I loved it.


AnotherJasonOnReddit t1_iyeso3p wrote

Yay! Seconded.

Loved it in the cinema, loved it on Blu-ray 3D.

The movie reminds me of those old Ray Harryhausen movies where a monster shows up, followed by 15 - 20 minutes of dialogue, then another monster shows up. Wash/Rinse/Repeat for a whole movie's running time.


TheUnrepententLurker t1_iydgpw7 wrote

If you like L5R, its a damned good flick for that universe. Dumb as a bag of hammer but so much fun.


DrRexMorman t1_iyby3or wrote

The Postman is at 8/50 on RT.

I can't argue with that score, but I love every minute of it.


MrRunagar t1_iyda43b wrote

Wait really? I saw that movie twice in my teens, and liked it a lot. Probably mostly for it's take on a post-post-apocalyptic society. I never thought about it in my adult life, but I'd never have guessed it was overall not well liked.


DrRexMorman t1_iydarun wrote

Waterworld wasn’t the flop - Postman was. It lost ~$100 million. Gene Siskel called it “Dances with myself.”

Anyway, I still like it.


Nossirom OP t1_iydpvve wrote

I thought I was the only one. I truly don't understand what people have against this movie. I agree that it isn't a perfect film by any measure but it seems to be quite underrated to me. Is it just that everyone was expecting nothing but amazing movies from Kevin Costner during this period of his career? If that is the case, we certainly know better by now. This movie needs to be reevaluated by the masses!


DPPThrow45 t1_iybpbnl wrote

A Boy And His Dog. Don Johnson and a telepathic dog.


noiznikk t1_iybr1dt wrote

That one deserves a restoration. So good!


hondajvx t1_iybrjtw wrote

Ghost Rider.

It’s a flaming skull riding a chopper that’s also on fire and he swings chains that are on fire.

It covers a lot of bases for me but it’s also stupid so I can’t recommend it.


dtudeski t1_iybrt0j wrote

I don’t share your love for Only God Forgives but it has one of the all time great movie trailers.


Nossirom OP t1_iybs3os wrote

I think the trailer is one of the reasons people hate it so much. Like Drive before it, the trailer does not prepare you for the movie that you are getting.


njdevils901 t1_iyc0f3m wrote

Couldn't agree more, I really dig Only God Forgives, what a lovely, messed up movie


mayormcskeeze t1_iybp1zu wrote

Speed Racer

Jupiter Ascending

Cloud Atlas


Nossirom OP t1_iybpw0s wrote

I almost used Cloud Atlas as my example


AdaAstra t1_iybqdi2 wrote

Same boat. Love all 3 of those movies, especially the last 2.


w1nn1p3g t1_iybwz7n wrote

transformers 4. It's awful and literally Chinese propaganda by the last 3rd but god it's so bad it's actually fun


Tylerdurden389 t1_iybx7wy wrote

A lot of people hate "Stayin' Alive", the sequel to "Saturday Night Fever", but I think it has a particular tone and style that I absolutely love (especially the soundtrack, which was done guessed it, Frank Stallone).


ahsgsB t1_iybxm54 wrote

Transformers 2


GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_iyc5mk6 wrote

Its gets so much hate, idk why. I love that movie. My favorite scene is when all of the kitchen appliances turns into Decepticons. I get so excited every time I see that scene. Brilliant movie!


UncleQuatson t1_iycw7jg wrote

Alien 3. Absolutely love this movie and think it's better than Aliens. But I know I'm in the minority and I understand why.


BoredOfBordellos t1_iydfxa5 wrote

Fincher’s first film and with what he was given, absolutely incredible how it turned out, despite its flaws.

I don’t think it’s better than Aliens but it does not deserve the hate. Great pick for this list.


Vinyl-Rabbits t1_iyd15tn wrote

I LOVE Only God Forgives. Everything about it clicks for me and it has one of the best fight scenes in any movie ever. I don't think "hate" for it is justified though.


MarilynManson2003 t1_iyboztr wrote



whitebandit t1_iybqlc2 wrote

every single "what fucked up/controversial/miserable/etc" thread is always Gummo.

great but holy fuck imma never watch it again


MarilynManson2003 t1_iybqrb1 wrote

It’s one of the very few movies I could just watch on repeat all day long.


whitebandit t1_iybr4cx wrote

there is something wrong with that boy, i tell you hwat


bran1986 t1_iybzjov wrote

Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man.


Moanair t1_iycafp9 wrote

Can I answer as my friend? Because he loves Rubber and I hate it with a passion


ExtremelyOnlineChap t1_iycq5qb wrote

I love Maximum Overdrive because it’s one of the first movies I watched as a kid. It’s an absolute piece of shit but it holds a special place in my heart.


Nossirom OP t1_iyd7lwh wrote

WE MADE YOU!!!! I feel like Stephen King must have been coked out of his mind when he made that movie


mekmookbro t1_iydfwio wrote

Green Lantern

I can't see what all the hate is about. It certainly wasn't on a MCU level, but it was decent, especially for its time.


Let the downvotes pour.


scytherumon t1_iybsiiv wrote

My 3 favorite movies of all time in no particular order are Pacific Rim, District 9, and Battle: Los Angeles


ShallWeStartThen t1_iyc0zug wrote

District 9 is a masterpiece though! Doesn't belong on that list.


GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_iyc5qww wrote

It sadly gets a lot of hate, but I love it. I swear, people do not like original ideas.


ShallWeStartThen t1_iycc0k8 wrote

Really? It's on 90 critic and 80 audience on Rotten Tomatoes, I always assumed it was a well-respected film. I really loved it when I saw it. I thought it was clever and multi-layered, with great character development. I quite want to watch it again.


GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_iychnqv wrote

I dont listen to Rotten Tomatoes or critics. But ive seen a lot of lists of "bad movies" and I always see District 9.


ShallWeStartThen t1_iycqxl8 wrote

I sometimes check when I like a film and I did this morning to check, as I was surprised to see it on this list.


shaunika t1_iyc5syo wrote

People hate pacific rim and D9?



DRUGEND1 t1_iyf2ddf wrote

District was nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars of I’m not mistaken. Doesn’t belong here.


FrankosmellsFUD t1_iybtsry wrote

Reach the Rock written by John Hughes

I don't know if it's justifiable why people hate it or whether it's just received really bad reviews from critics at the time.

I fucking love it. To me this is the original film to have a post credit scene aswell.


nerdy-and-awkward t1_iyc1nm7 wrote

It follows - i actually have a bit of a love-hate relationship with this movie bc it's so freaking bad and so weird that it's good


st3akkn1fe t1_iycctaj wrote

I enjoyed it. I didn't know it was unpopular.


JugendWolf t1_iye5nbo wrote

It's not. It has a 95% score on RT and 6.8 on IMDb (the same as, for example, The Babadook). That is really good for a horror movie.


Moanair t1_iycaczw wrote



ArcticFlower00 t1_iyd2bks wrote

I'm tempted to say "Water Lilies" (Naissance de Pieuvre).

Its highly eroticized, lyrical vision of sapphic, preteen attraction against the backdrop of synchronized swimming is well made but not quite for everyone.

Also, Coonskin. It's cool but there's just so much of it.


ZigZagLobster t1_iyd6g8y wrote

Charlie and the chocolate factory. Yes, the one from 2005. It's a hot mess but it's entertaining


Stpbatman t1_iydc9em wrote

The Bourne Legacy . Remember people trashing it for not being Matt Damon’s Bourne but I thought it was entertaining and definitely a movie I’ll put on if it’s on tv


spctommyboy t1_iydoc8o wrote

The Lady Ghostbusters movie was flippin hilarious to me. Kate McKinnon and Chris Hemsworth had me in stitches.


jdjs123 t1_iye8drg wrote

John Carter


HoselRockit t1_iyek37y wrote

Land of the Lost.

RT - 26%

Audience - 32%.


apolychr t1_iybqe6i wrote

Mortal Kombat movies


Big Trouble In Little Chinatown