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xXTheFisterXx t1_ixcd9d9 wrote

Queen of Mean from descendants 3 hits hard


magick_68 t1_ixcdide wrote

Yes it does. And "Do what you gotta do" is a great duet.


xXTheFisterXx t1_ixcdooz wrote

Speaking of incredible trilogies that the majority of adults missed out on, did you hit the Zombies train?


magick_68 t1_ixce1xw wrote

Of course i did.


xXTheFisterXx t1_ixcebdj wrote

Disneyland has Oogie Boogie Bash for halloween so we went as a werewolf and zombie. We were worried nobody would get it but we literally hadn’t even gotten in the entrance line before a dad just yelled “Z-BAND” and we ended up seeing a ton. Took a few hours to find an alien (she was like 10) from zombies 3 and her first response was so confidently claiming “IM ADDISON”. It was pretty great


magick_68 t1_ixcenfi wrote

My son went as Hades last Halloween, blue hair and all. Sadly no one got it, but "God of hell" was enough explanation for the kids to say "cool"


xXTheFisterXx t1_ixces5j wrote

Okay but real talk, why do Hades and Mel have such weird sexual tension in the third one? Their duet is one of the weirdest things


magick_68 t1_ixcizim wrote

I think your reading too much into it. But in hindsight it's a bit weird. Still a great duet though.


xXTheFisterXx t1_ixcl1fj wrote

I just want you to watch it one more time with that in mind and there is a lot of very close and interesting dancing and winking. Also when he whips out the tamborine and says let’s dance is the most cringe moment of the trilogy for me.


xXTheFisterXx t1_ixcdujh wrote

Arguably the best song in the entire series is Chillin’ Like a Villain with the best life lessons for any kid. “It’s really hard being something I’m not” “Well if you don’t, you’re gonna get us caught”