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Thedrunner2 t1_ixcr320 wrote

Avatar. Never saw the first one and have no interest in the subsequent films.


KingRobertBeratheon t1_ixcs9mm wrote

I saw the first one, but never saw what the big deal was... I didn't care for it - basically giant Smurfs in space.


bronchoped1 t1_ixcsi64 wrote

Pocahontas/fern gully in space. Boring


[deleted] t1_ixczvtn wrote

What an idiotic reduction of what is easily one of the greatest movie going experiences of all time.

You probably haven't even seen Pocahontas...just parroting the same dumb argument.


SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixd6xtx wrote

Yeah, it's about a group of men who enter a natural, unspoiled wilderness in order to pillage it for its natural resources and the efforts of that wilderness' inhabitants to defend their land.

That's what Fern Gully is about!


[deleted] t1_ixd76fz wrote


Funny how you don't mention aliens, interstellar travel, downloading human consciousness, mechs, riding flying animals, etc.

Yep...practically the same!

What an idiot.


SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixd7ei5 wrote

> Funny how you don't mention aliens, interstellar travel, downloading human consciousness, mechs, riding flying animals, etc.

Because those parts are boring and shit.

You only like it because it's cliche and predictable, and thus makes you feel safe. New things scare you.


Balimuz t1_ixd9erq wrote

Agreed I’ve tried watching the first one a couple times. Just can’t get into it. Also, have no interest in the upcoming sequel


prblydumass t1_ixdsl7z wrote

You should watch the first one, but just because of the spectacle of it, if you're into that sort of thing. The effects are amazing, way better than a lot of movies that have come out in recent years (looking at you 'Cats'). The plot is pretty lame, the same thing we've all seen a dozen times in Saturday morning cartoons alone (Smoggies, The Raccoons, Captain Planet, etc.). For anyone who will argue, "The Company" as it's referred to in the movie, is after is called 'Unobtainium'(to me, absolute comic gold, but certainly not the filmmakers' intent). What I do is turn it on, shut my brain off, and just stare at the screen and let my magpie brain look at the pretty pictures.


claytonianphysics t1_ixeb6zv wrote

I’m the same way with Toy Story. I couldn’t get into it and have no interest in seeing it.