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Lemonpicker77 t1_ixk4wxb wrote

I think you are confusing using violence and doing everything to not kill someone, to all forms of violence can cause death.

He has had many opportunities to kill his main villains and chooses not too. But he won't kill himself in an attempt to save someone, he will risk his life to save people but you can see that in batman begins he allowed Ra's al Ghul to die, the same with his daughter in part 3.

It is a thin line he doesn't break consciously because otherwise he would feel like a criminal himself.


Ashamed_Ladder6161 t1_ixk5k08 wrote

Sorry I don’t fully agree. Joker was pushed off the building in a legitimate effort to save himself and diffuse the bomb. He didn’t have to save the Joker, no more than he could have saved Ras from the crashing train. He saved the Joker just to prove to him he wouldn’t take a life and that the city stood up to him. Like it says in the DK; he has one rule- Batman doesn’t kill. Ever. I guess the logic is he doesn’t have to save you either, but he does save the Joker regardless… Flipping someone’s car over is still a deliberate action that can claim a life. As is just punching someone in the head. While that’s easily ignored in a fantasy world, it’s harder to accept if you’re striving for realism.


Lemonpicker77 t1_ixk6hts wrote

Exactly what I said he chooses not to kill, he doesn't punch with the intention to kill, he doesn't flip a car with the intention to kill.

Do you keep up to date on all the comics?


Ashamed_Ladder6161 t1_ixlereg wrote

I’m not talking about the comics though, the films are very much their own thing. My point is, if you do what Batman does, you have to accept your actions will end lives. And the way he drives in the films, probably civilian lives. But you never see him wrestle with this in any credible way. The rational between letting Ras die and saving Joker is not consistent. And film Batman, honestly, Within Nolan’s world, would never kill anyone, and because it’s not realistic, he never has. In that world, it’s framed as his skill and his decision not to take lives, rather than blind luck.